The conference is funded by Business Finland. It is free of charge for participation. You can either just participate in the conference, and/or make a presentation in the conference workshops. We warmly welcome you to submit your research abstracts or other practical presentation proposals for new learning solutions with AI.
The modes of presentations (15-20 minutes and discussion)
Here is the 2nd call for abstract submission. Please submit your abstracts/proposals (max. 250 words) before 31.08.2021. You will receive abstract acceptance by 15.09.2021. The conference registration and submission link is the same link.
Our AI in Learning conference has raised great interest from many participants all over the world. Under several requests to extend the deadline of the call for abstracts. The last call for abstract is 12.10.2021. You will receive abstract acceptance by 19.10.2021. We will not accept any abstracts after the deadline. The conference registration and submission link is the same link.