Behaviour Change Science & Policy (BeSP) is an ‘Argumenta’ project funded by Finnish Cultural Foundation in 2019-2020. It aims to evoke scientific and interdisciplinary discussion on questions related to influencing behaviour. The project brings together researchers from different fields, policy makers, and other actors to discuss the science of developing and evaluating effective interventions, to best solve challenges related to behaviour change. The project aims to improve the uptake and use of research on influencing behaviour, when designing public policy.
The core of the project is formed by five symposia that cover evidence based policy-making and making better use of behaviour change research. In the symposia, we will discuss opposing scientific views, and seek novel promising avenues for the future.
More information on the BeSP project site.
The 2nd BeSP symposium was on Behavioural insights in developing public policy and interventions. Tiedekulma was fully booked (over 180 registered participants), and a 2-day event had a wide live streaming audience (119 viewers followed the stream on Thursday and 149 viewers on Friday!). More information and recordings of presentations are available at Behavioural insights in developing public policy and interventions website.
The 3rd BeSP symposium was on Reverse translation: Practice-based evidence. The 1-day event in Metsätalo was once again fully booked and many followed the live stream. More information and recordings of the presentations are available on the Reverse translation: Practice-based evidence website.
The 4th BeSP symposium Creating real-world impact: Implementation and dissemination of behaviour change interventions was transformed to a virtual symposium at short notice (due to the COVID-19 situation). This high-profile multidisciplinary 2-day event attracted a wide audience: Close to 500 viewers followed the stream on Thursday and approximately 300 on Wednesday! More information is available at symposium website (the recordings of presentations are available there too).
The 5th and final BeSP symposium Complexity Science and Behaviour Change Interventions will be held online in Zoom on Oct 8-9, 2020. The Zoom links will be provided via email to all registered participants. There is no participation fee, but registration is required. Register here! The program and abstracts of the presentations are available on the symposium webpage.