Book Want List (27 April 2022)

These are some books I would like to own for purposes of research, even though some of them can be found in any local libraries. I would appreciate any information on where possibly to get copies (or, in most cases, photocopies). As regards the latter, I could copy any of several millions of books that are here in exchange.


Carelman, Kataloogillinen joita ei ole. Helsinki: Markkinointi Viherjuuri, 1970.

Michel Foucault & Paul Rabinow, Kaupunki, tila, valta. Tampere: Tampereen teknillinen korkeakoulu, 1989.

Heta Häyry ym., toim., Paholaisen asianajaja: opaskirja skeptikolle. Helsinki: Ursa, 1989.

Armas J. Pulla, Peltilehmän lapsuus. Helsinki: Otava, 1972.


Pim Oets & Gijsbert Hanekroot, Popsmuk. Amsterdam: Born, 1972.

Mike Paikos, R&B Covers and Re-Recordings. Moraga: s.n., 1993.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, Logiko-filosofiski traktat. Moskva: s.n., 1958.

Single issues and volumes of the following magazines: Bam Balam, Big Town Review, Bim Bam Boom, Blitz, Blues Unlimited, Collusion, Crawdaddy, DISCoveries, Echoes of the Past, It Will Stand, Mojo Navigator, Paul's Record Magazine, Phonograph Record Magazine, Record Collector's Monthly, Record Exchanger, Stormy Weather, Story Untold, Whiskey Women and..., Who Put the Bomp!, Yesterday's Memories.

T P Uschanov's Icy Frigid Aire
Last updated: 27 April 2022
Comments to: T P Uschanov (
Mail: T P Uschanov, Roihuvuorentie 20 K 107, FI-00820 Helsinki 82, Finland, Europe