Mikko's Phylogeny Archive

PanicModern Avian Groups

  Trogonidae - trogons  

After Espinosa de los Monteros, 1998, with species from Sibley & Monroe, 1990

<==o Trogoniformes Wetmore & Miller, 1926
   `--o Trogonidae Swainson, 1831 [Trogoniformes Wetmore & Miller, 1926] (trogonit) [5/39]
      |?- †Paratrogon gallicus
      |?- †Trogonidae genera et species indet. [M. Eoc. NWEu.]
      |?- †Trogonidae genera et species indet. [Olig. NWEu.]
      |-- †Primotrogon wintersteini Mayr, 1999, L. Olig. WEu.
      `--+-- †Septentrogon madseni Kristoffersen, 2002, L. Paleoc. NWEu.
         `--+--o Apaloderma [Apaloderminae] (afrikantrogonit)
            |  |-- A. narina (afrikantrogoni)
            |  |-- A. aequatoriale (keltaposkitrogoni)
            |  `-- A. vittatum (afrikanvuoritrogoni)
            `--o Trogoninae
               |--o Harpactes [Harpactini] (aasiantrogonit)
               |  |-- H. neoxenus [Euptilotis] (korvatrogoni)
               |  `--+?- H. reinwardtii (jaavantrogoni)
               |     |?- H. fasciatus (intiantrogoni)
               |     |?- H. kasumba (sepeltrogoni)
               |     |?- H. whiteheadi (borneontrogoni)
               |     |?- H. orrhophaeus (kaneliperätrogoni)
               |     |?- H. duvaucelii (punaperätrogoni)
               |     |?- H. erythrocephalus (ruusutrogoni)
               |     |?- H. wardi (isotrogoni)
               |     |-- H. oreskios (mandariinitrogoni)
               |     `--+-- H. diardii (pitsipyrstötrogoni)
               |        `-- H. ardens (filippiinientrogoni)
               `--o Trogonini
                  |--o Priotelus [incl. Temnotrogon?] (kuubantrogonit)
                  |  |-- P. temnurus (kuubantrogoni)
                  |  `-- P. roseigaster [Temnotrogon roseigaster] (haitintrogoni)
                  `--+--o Pharomachurus (ketsaalit, kvesaalit)
                     |  |?- P. mocinno (mayaketsaali)
                     |  |?- P. fulgidus (kahviketsaali)
                     |  |-- P. auriceps (vuoriketsaali)
                     |  `--+-- P. pavoninus (alankoketsaali)
                     |     `-- P. antisianus (töyhtöketsaali)
                     `-- Trogon (amerikantrogonit)


Birds of the family Trogonidae has often been classified in their own order "Trogoniformes".

In his studies Alan Feduccia has come to conclusion, that trogons are actually closely related to kingfishers (family Alcedinidae) and with them and several other families, that were previously grouped within Coraciiformes, form a distinctive order, which he named "Alcediniformes".

There is some opinions, that he should have used the previously available groupname "Trogoniformes" for this group, since he included it within his "Alcediniformes"



Espinosa de los Monteros, E., 1998: Phylogenetic relationships among the trogons.
–The Auk: Vol. 115, #4, pp. 937-954

Feduccia, A., 1980: The Age of Birds.
–Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England, 1980, IX-196

Feduccia, A., 1996: The Origin and Evolution of Birds.
–Yale University Press, New Haven, 1996, x-420

Kristoffersen, A. V., 2002: An Early Paleogene trogon (Aves: Trogoniformes) from the Fur Formation, Danmark.
–Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 22, #3, pp. 661-666

Lokki, J., Jännes, H. & Nikander, P. J., 1992: Otavan lintutieto.
–Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, Helsinki, Finland, 1992, pp. 1-440
      Translated from: Perrins, C. M. (ed.), 1990: The Illustrated encyclopaedia of birds.
–Headline Book Publishing Plc., London, England, 1990

Olson, S. L., 1985: The fossil record of birds. 79-239.
in Farner, D., King, J. & Parkes, K. (eds.), 1985: Avian Biology. vol VIII.
–Academic Press, New York. 1985.

Sibley, C. G. & Monroe, J., BL. 1990: Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world.
–Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1990. XXIV-1111.


© Mikko Haaramo,

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