Jorma Harju: Teaching

Lecture courses

I'm currently (autumn 2015) teaching the radio astronomy part of Basics of Observational Astronomy. I'm co-author of a lecture notebook (Johdatus radioastronomiaan, Harju, Juvela, Kontinen, Heikkilä & Wiik, 2001, 154 pages). This notebook are available on the course page as a pdf file (in Finnish).

In the fall of 2014 I taught, together with Peter Johansson, a course on the structure of the Galaxy (Linnunradan rakenne).

In recent years I have been teaching astrochemistry and interferometry .


I have had the privilege to supervise two PhD theses (as principal supervisor), and a number of Master's and Bachelor's theses.

Former PhD students

Oskari Miettinen 2010 Molecular line and continuum studies of the early stages of star formation
Olli Sipilä 2013 Studies of the chemistry and physics of starless and prestellar cores

Recent MSc theses

Henrik Vesterinen 2012 Biomolekyylit kuumissa ytimissä (Biomolecules in hot cores)
Paula Kyyrö 2012 Filamentaarisen molekyylipilven stabiilisuusanalyysi. Soveltaminen Taurus Molecular Cloud 1 -pilveen (Stability analysis of a filamentary cloud. Application to TMC-1)
Jukka Ruoskanen 2011 Interferometric mapping of a potentially prestellar core in ammonia rotation-inversion lines
Aleksi Suutarinen 2009 CH- ja OH-molekyylien pylvästiheyksien välinen korrelaatio tähtienvälisessä molekyylipilvessä TMC-1 (Correlation between the column densities of CH and OH in the interstellar molecular cloud TMC-1)

Main Research Publications Teaching