Practical instructions at  HiLIFE for the exceptional situation

On this page you will find the latest HiLIFE-specific practical instructions and/or additions to the University of Helsinki's Covid-19 guidelines to HiLIFE staff and students.    

This website has been updated on 14 January 2022 at 14.00: HiLIFE's check list.


  • In HiLIFE we follow the University's Covid-19 guidelines aimed at preventing the spread of the virus in the University community. You should always follow  the  latest guidelines and information  about the coronavirus situation  at the UH  available  here:  
  • The latest Univerity information session on the coronavirus situation was held on Monday, 20 December 2022. A recording for the University community can be found here.
  • Ob­serving com­mon rules re­mains the top pri­or­ity in pre­vent­ing the spread of the coronavirus:  
    • Do not come to the campuses when ill or when experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus disease Assess your need for testing in Omaolo service.
    • Be sure to practise extremely careful hand and coughing hygiene.
    • Leave room for others whenever possible.
    • See Protective face mask recommendation.
    • Do not shake hands or hug people.
    • Avoid unnecessary contact. In other words, meet in person only when necessary.
    • Please remember to clean any equipment in joint use after using it. 
    • We recommend getting vaccinated against coronavirus.


  • Remember to follow information on vaccination schedules and how to book your time from the web site of your city of residence. Note that if you live in a municipality other than where you are officially registered (e.g. for work or study), you can also get vaccination from the municipality where you currently live. More information regarding Uusimaa region:
  • Especially in Meilahti campus we recommend following the instructions of HUS if they are stricter than those of the University of Helsinki.
  • Follow the Provet  or LAC-specific information and contact the  Laboratory Animal Center (LAC) personnel with specific questions concerning your rodent lines and experiments.  
  • HiLIFE's check list for cases of Covid-19 infection and exposure: What to do in case you or your employee/student has contracted the coronavirus or suspects it? 
  • Gloves should be used at work-related tasks that require them in normal circumstances. Please ensure you follow guidelines on hygiene practices when using all shared equipment even if you use gloves. 
  • Regarding external competed research funding
    • Please note that host units are not able to provide funding to cover potential gaps caused by Covid situation and it is the PIs’ responsibility to make sure s/he has other funding to cover gaps.  
    • Many funding agencies are flexible regarding the use and reporting of the grants during this exceptional situation. Follow funding agency websites for their specific instructions and policies.  
    • Contact your project accountant and inform your operative unit before applying for a no cost extension for your project.  
  • Let us at know if you need further support or advice. The Head of HR and/or Occupational safety officer will respond to questions and assist you in handling the situation.


  • Well-being surveys have been carried out find out how the exceptional circumstances have affected work and wellbeing of the staff. Read more about the results of well-being at HiLIFE during COVID-19 on Flamma intranet: