Verification Laboratory

VERIFIN has real time readiness for analysis of chemical warfare agents.

The total analysis and reporting time for OPCW sample is 14 days. The identification of the chemicals must be based on at least two different analytical techniques. One of the analytical techniques must be spectrometric; e.g. GC-EI/MS, GC-CI/MS, LC-MS, FTIR or NMR.

As a principle, VERIFIN tries to participate all proficiency testing programs relevant to the scope of its accreditation. In order to improve and expand the capabilities to analyse all CWC related chemicals, VERIFIN has been a partner in the EQuATox project run from 2012 till 2014. In this project, proficiency test for both ricin and saxitoxin were arranged in the first half of 2013. In 2016, VERIFIN prepared itself to the ricin confidence building exercise which was organized by the OPCW in 2017. In 2017-2022 VERIFIN will participate ricin, saxitoxin and botulium neurotoxin Europian proficiency tests within EuroBioTox project.


VERIFIN was accredited by FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service) in 1996 for the analysis of chemical weapons. In 2016 the scope was broadened to cover biomedical samples (blood and urine). The scope of the accreditation is "Verification of chemical warfare agents, qualitative analysis, flexible scope: Environmental testing, material testing and biomedical testing" and the code of the laboratory is T073.

VERIFIN was accredited by FINAS first time in 1996 according to the EN45001 standard and ISO Guide 25. At present the Institute is accredited according to the standard SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and the current accreditation is valid until 25.10.2028. The Quality System of the Institute is assessed by FINAS on regular basis.


VERIFIN has been designated laboratory to the OPCW since 1996. The criteria for designation are having an accredited quality assurance system, internationally recognized accreditation and annual successful performance in the official interlaboratory proficiency tests organized by the OPCW.

VERIFIN lost its designated laboratory status in 2015 for analysis of environmental samples after a failure in the 37th proficiency test after 21 A-scores.  A thorough evaluation of the cause of failure was conducted and lessons were learned. In the next three proficiency tests in 2015-2016 VERIFIN gained A-score in each test. The designation status was retrieved in 2017.

The objective of the Institute is also in the future to retain its status as an acknowledged laboratory. In 2017 VERIFIN got designation also for biomedical sample analysis. Since 2013 VERIFIN has assisted the OPCW in analysis of authentic samples.