National authority

VERIFIN is the Finnish National Authority as defined by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and carries out national authority tasks assigned by The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA).

VERIFIN's tasks as a national authority include providing information to companies and public authorities about the Chemical Weapons Convention, collecting information from the Finnish chemical industry as required by the Convention, preparing national declarations to the OPCW and escorting the OPCW inspectors during inspections.

Some tasks have been divided to other authorities:

One of VERIFIN's main tasks is to support the Organisation for the OPCW. VERIFIN has provided this support through its participation in the OPCW Executive Council and Scientific Advisory Board. VERIFIN has participated in the OPCW Analytical Database Review Group and has acted as an assessor of the results of reliability tests organised by the OPCW. VERIFIN has also contributed to the training of inspectors involved in OPCW arms control.

The Finnish law concerning the CWC (346/1997 and 348/1997) entered into force the same time as the CWC (29 April 1997). The updates are from the years 2007 and 2010 (485/2007; 902/2010, 928/2010)

Unofficial translation of the Finnish legislation related to the Convention on Chemical Weapons is found from FINLEX (updated in 2010).

Unofficial translation of The Penal Code of Finland is found in FINLEX database (pdf-format).

Translation of Finnish legislation are found in FINLEX database.

Mailing address:


Department of Chemistry

P.O.Box 55

FI-00014 University of Helsinki


Visiting address:


Department of Chemistry

A. I. Virtasen Aukio 1

FI-00560 Helsinki


Contact persons:

  • Harri Kiljunen tel. +358-2941 50406 or email
  • Aleksi Rapo tel. +358-2941 50323 or email
  • Hanna Hakulinen tel. +358-2941 50414 or email