Seminar: Speaking of Power and Politics

After 5 years of inspiring teamwork and exciting research, the CALLIOPE project is coming to an end. We invite you to the final seminar Speaking of Power and Politics.

The seminar takes place on 7 December 2022, from 10 am – 1 pm, in the University of Helsinki’s Main Building, room 4072 (Unioninkatu 34)

Remote attendance is possible on Zoom.

Entrance to the seminar is free, but we would appreciate it if you could sign up here if you are planning to attend in person or online.

The programme will consist of the results of the research carried out by CALLIOPE members Ludovic Marionneau and Karen Lauwers, talks by dr. Jan-Friedrich Missfelder (University of Basel) and dr. Pasi Ihalainen (University of Jyväskylä), and an overview of the project’s main findings by PI Josephine Hoegaerts. Together, they will discuss a long-term, and geographically diverse perspective on the role of voices, speech and language in the history of power and representation.


10-10.15: Welcome

10.15-10-45: Jan Friedrich Missfelder: Singing Political Identities in Early Modern Switzerland

10.45 - 11.15: Karen Lauwers and Ludovic Marionneau : Vocalized and Embodied Representations of Power in 19-C France and its Colony


11.15-11.45.: coffee break


11.45 - 12.15: Pasi Ihalainen : Vocabularies of Democracy in Britain, France and Germany since 1968

12.15 - 12.45: Josephine Hoegaerts: Articulating Power, Voicing Representation: conclusions of the CALLIOPE project