The project studies how audible performances of public speech have influenced political decision making in the 19th century. It shows how voices helped to define diverse identities and contributed to practices of political and cultural transfer during the colonial period. In viewing political representation through the lens of audibility, the project will offer a new perspective on citizenship and colonialism by reframing how authority was embodied - through performances that were heard, as well as those that could be seen. The appointed postdoctoral researcher will be expected to take charge of research on one geo-political area or axis of ‘exchange’ covered in CALLIOPE, and focus on vocal practices of political representation within ‘French’ Algeria (ca. 1830-1920).
An appointee to the position must hold a doctoral degree in a field relevant to the project (such as history, cultural studies, political science, language, or anthropology), as well as have the ability to conduct independent scientific research and possess the teaching skills required for the position.
Please see the full job description and instructions on applying in the Univeristy of Helsinki Open positions page. The deadline for applications is March 15th, 2019.