PhD Dissertations, Msc and BSc Thesis
PhD theses
- Alho, Markku., “Hybrid plasma modelling in the inner Solar System (Doctoral dissertation)”,, 2022
- George, Harriet., “Transport and loss of outer radiation belt electrons (Doctoral dissertation)”,, 2022.
- Hoilijoki, Sanni., "Simulations of solar wind – magnetosheath – magnetopause interactions (Doctoral dissertation)",, 2017.
- Pfau-Kempf, Yann: Vlasiator From local to global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov simulations (Doctoral dissertation), 2016.
MSc theses
BSc theses
- Antti Kukkola: Accuracy of Shock Normal Vectors Measured by Solar Orbiter (2022)
- Lauri Pänkäläinen: Elektronipaine ja Maan keulashokki (2022)
- Leo Kotipalo: Mukautuva hilantarkennus Vlasiator-plasmasimulaattorissa (2021)
- Matias Ruotsalainen: Korkeaenergiaisten aurinkotuulen testihiukkasten dynamiikkaa Maan iskurintamalla (2020)
- Jaakko Kähärä: "Compressing Vlasiator Phase Space Data" (2020)
- Niilo Nurminen: Injektio-ongelma Maan magneettikentän iskurintamassa (2019)
- Otto Hannuksela: Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions in a Vlasiator global runs (2014).