14.11.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
24.10.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
26.09.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
30.05.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
04.04.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
07.03.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
08.02.2024 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
02.02.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar 1.
16.03.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar 2.
04.05.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar 3.
01.06.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar 4.
21.09.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
12.10.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
16.11.2023 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.
The Rauhalahti workshop of Centre of Excellence: VILMA took place in Hotel Rauhalahti, Kuopio, on 3-4 October 2024. We acknowledge funding from CECAM-FI workshop support.
Date and time: Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 09:00-12:15
Venue: Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki)
What We Know (and Don’t Know) about Climate Change
Chair: Arkke Eskola
9:30–9:40 Session Opening
Arkke Eskola, Senior University Researcher, University of Helsinki
9:40–10:15 Soil Carbon and Climate Change
Kristiina Karhu, Assistant Professor in Soils and Climate Change, University of Helsinki
10:15–10:50 How Atmospheric Chemistry Forms Extremely Low-Volatile Organic Vapors
Mikael Ehn, Professor, University of Helsinki
10:50–11:25 Climate Change – Knowns and Unknowns
Joonas Merikanto, Senior Researcher, Finnish Meteorological Institute
11:25–11:55 The Hidden Role of Gases in Trees
Stephen Ingram, PostDoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Turin, Italy, 18 September 2023
The workshop is part of ECML PKDD 2023
12 June 2023: Paper submission.
12 July 2023: Notification of acceptance.
The vast amount of data currently produced by modern Earth Observation (EO) missions and measurements on the surface has raised new challenges for the Remote Sensing Community and atmospheric modellers. EO sensors can now offer (very) high spatial resolution images with revisit time frequencies never achieved before considering different signals, e.g., multi(hyper)spectral optical, radar, LiDAR, and Digital Surface Models.
On the other hand, atmospheric composition and processes are measured on the surface, starting from molecular scale measurements with mass spectrometers, particle counters, and more traditional meteorological instruments. Modern machine learning techniques can be crucial in dealing with such heterogeneous, multi-scale, and multi-modal data.
Some methods gaining attention in this domain include deep learning, domain adaptation, semi-supervised approach, time series analysis, active learning, explainable artificial intelligence, uncertainty quantification, and interactive model building and visualisation. Even though machine learning and the development of ad-hoc techniques are gaining popularity, we still see a significant need for more interaction between domain experts and machine learning researchers.
This workshop aims to be an international forum where machine learning researchers and domain experts can meet each other to exchange, debate, and draw short and long-term research objectives around the exploitation and analysis of EO and atmospheric data via Machine Learning techniques. Among the workshop’s goals, we want to give an overview of the current machine-learning research dealing with EO and other atmospheric measurement data. On the other hand, we want to stimulate concrete discussions to pave the way to new machine learning frameworks especially tailored to deal with such data.
The non-exclusive list of topics for the workshop includes, to the extent related to the EO and atmospheric processes:
We welcome original contributions, either theoretical or empirical, describing ongoing
projects or completed work. Contributions can be of two types: short position papers (up to 6 pages, including references) or full research papers (up to 10 pages, including references). Papers must be written in LNCS format, i.e., accordingly to the ECML-PKDD 2023 submission format. Accepted contributions will be made available electronically through the Workshop web page. Springer will publish the post-proceedings.
See the workshop website at https://sites.google.com/view/maclean23/ for more information and updates. See the ECML PKDD 2023 website at https://2023.ecmpkdd.org/ for more details about the venue.
Thomas Corpetti, CNRS, LETG-Rennes COSTEL UMR 6554 CNRS, Rennes, France
Dino Ienco, INRAE, UMR Tetis, Montpellier, France
Roberto Interdonato, CIRAD, UMR Tetis, Montpellier, France
Minh-Tan Pham, Univ. Bretagne-Sud, UMR 6074, IRISA, Vannes, France
Patrick Rinke, Aalto University, Helsinki
Kai Puolamäki, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Monday, January 16, 2023
Place of Seminar: Kumpula, Exactum D122 (in person) & Zoom (Meeting ID: 640 5738 7231 ; Passcode: 825217)
Associate Professor Kai Puolamäki will give a talk in the Machine Learning Coffee Seminar of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI).
Abstract: I will provide an overview of our new Virtual Laboratory for Molecular Level Atmospheric Transformations (VILMA) Centre of Excellence and discuss why explainable AI (XAI) and quantifying uncertainties is essential for us. As an example of our ongoing work, I will describe SLISEMAP, a supervised manifold visualisation method, a technique for XAI developed by us that finds local explanations for all data items. SLISEMAP produces (typically) two-dimensional global visualisation of the black box model such that data items with similar local explanations will be embedded nearby.
Researchers of Centre of Excellence: The Virtual Laboratory for Molecular Level Atmospheric Transformations gathered in Hvittorp, Kirkkonummi for the first joint workshop of the Centre of Excellence to discuss current and future research collaboration. We thank CECAM-FI for supporting the workshop.
09:00 Hotel is open
11:30-12:00 Workshop opening
12:00-13:00 Lunch
14:40-15:00 Coffee Break
17:00-17:45 Dinner
19.30 Evening snacks served
20:00-23:00 Sauna
08:00-09:00 Breakfast
10:40-11:00 Morning Coffee
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break, Group picture outside
13:00-14:00 Hike or transport to Hvitträsk museum
14:00-15:00 Guided tour at Hvitträsk museum
15:00-16:00 Hike or transport back to hotel
16:00 Official end of workshop
Theo Kurten
Rashid Valiev
Lauri Franzon
Galib Hasan
Vili Salo
Thomas Golin Almeida
Christopher Daub
Patrick Rinke
Kunal Ghosh
Hilda Sandström
Arkke Eskola
Jari Peltola
Timo Pekkanen
Matti Rissanen
Shawon Barua
Prasenjit Seal
Mitchell Alton
Aki Nissinen
Juha Kangasluoma
Runlong Cai
Ella Häkkinen
Kai Puolamäki
Anton Björklund
Līva Freimane
Nina Sarnela
Jiali Shen
Kari Lehtinen
Hanna Vehkamäki
Bernhard Reischl
Stephen Ingram
Vitus Besel
Ivo Neefjes
Nanna Myllys
Laura Kippola
Nino Runeberg, CSC
Ville Haapasilta, Siili