Day 1: Monday 13th May
0800 Depart Viikki
1100 Arrive Hyytiälä
1115 Lunch & check-in
1215 Introductions
1230-1400 Session 1, Chair: Richard Gossens
1230-1300 Mari Pihlatie: Recent activities of CH4 and N2O cycles in forests -group
1300-1330 Kristiina Mäkinen: Dissection of complex molecular interactions between viral proteins HCPro and VPg with N. benthamiana proteins
1330-1400 Teemu Teeri: Breeding for heartwood decay resistance in Scots pine: Is early selection possible?
1400-1430 Coffee break
1430-1515 Fascination of Plants Day videos: ViPS; Mäkelä group; Robson group; Elomaa group; Overmyer group; Mähönen group; Pihlatie group
1515-1800 Visit to Siikaneva mire complex (short drive plus 3km walk); visit to SMEAR II station (Hyytiälä), free time
1830-2000 Dinner
2000- Sauna, relaxing, free time
Day 2: Tuesday 14th May
0915-1045 Session 2, Chair: Javier Andres Jimenez
0915-0945 Kurt Fagerstedt: Ray parenchymal cells actively contribute to lignification of tracheids in developing xylem of Norway spruce
0945-1015 Jon Atherton: Remote chlorophyll fluorescence
1015-1045 Coffee Break
1045-1115 Teemu Hölttä: Xylem and phloem transport connecting source and sink processes in trees
1115-1145 Paula Elomaa: Patterning of Asteraceae heads
1145-1230 Lunch
1230-1400 Session 3, Chair: Linping Wang
1230-1300 Annikki Mäkelä: Use of isotopic signatures in modelling tree gas exchange
1300-1330 Mikael Brosché: The white mutant
1330-1400 Jaakko Kangasjärvi: ROS/Redox signaling
1415 Depart Hyytiälä
1715 Arrive Viikki