
Members of the Trustworthy Machine Learning group.
Prof. Antti Honkela (PI)

Antti Honkela is a Professor a Data Science (Machine Learning and AI) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. Prior to his current appointment, he was an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki. He is the coordinating professor of Research Programme in Privacy-preserving and Secure AI at the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), a flagship of research excellence appointed by the Academy of Finland, and leader of the Privacy and infrastructures WP in European Lighthouse in Secure and Safe AI (ELSA), a European network of excellence in secure and safe AI. He serves in multiple advisory positions for the Finnish government in privacy of health data.

Prof. Honkela's research interests include privacy-preserving machine learning and differential privacy, Bayesian machine learning and probabilistic modelling, as well as their applications in computational biology and health.

Prof. Honkela is an action editor for the Transactions on Machine Learning and regularly serves as area chair for NeurIPS, ICML and AISTATS.

Mikko Heikkilä (Postdoc)

Mikko Heikkilä is a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Antti Honkela's group at the Department of Computer Science in University of Helsinki.

Joonas Jälkö (Postdoc)

Joonas Jälkö is a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Antti Honkela's group at the Department of Computer Science in University of Helsinki. His research focuses mainly on differential privacy applied on statistical inference and differentially private synthetic data. 

Talal Alrawajfeh (PhD student)

Talal Alrawajfeh is a PhD student in Professor Antti Honkela's group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. His research interests include Bayesian machine learning, privacy-preserving machine learning, and differential privacy.

Elio Nushi (PhD student)

Elio Nushi is a PhD student supervised by Prof. Antti Honkela. His research focuses mainly on developing probabilistic methods for modeling time series of omics data.

Gauri Pradhan (PhD student)

Gauri is a PhD student supervised by Prof Antti Honkela. Her research interests include privacy preservation for AI algorithms, leveraging differential privacy (DP) for machine learning, and exploring novel approaches (beyond DP) to strengthen privacy defences for deep learning algorithms. 

Aki Rehn (PhD student)

Aki Rehn is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.

Sebastian Rodriguez (PhD student)

Sebastian Rodriguez is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.

Ossi Räisä (PhD student)

Ossi Räisä is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.

Marlon Tobaben (PhD student)

Marlon Tobaben is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, supervised by Prof Antti Honkela and affiliated with the Finnish Centre of Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), a flagship of research excellence appointed by the Academy of Finland. Marlon's research focuses on differentially private deep and federated learning.

Linzh Zhao (PhD student)

Linzh is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, supervised by Prof. Antti Honkela and Prof. Indrė Žliobaitė, with funding from the Finnish Centre of Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). Linzh's research focuses on differentially private deep learning and fairness in the context of differential privacy for deep learning.