The lecturers are from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki; Finnish Red Cross Blood Service; and Helsinki University Hospital.
The main topics of the course are:
- transplantation immunology
- tissue typing
- infectious disease
- pathology
- pediatric and adult clinical solid organ transplantation
- organ donation
- law concerning organ donation and transplantation
Next course will be organised late spring 2018. Find here the program of the Principles of organ transplantation 2016 course in Finnish.
A list of Finnish textbooks handling transplantation immunology and surgery:
- Renkonen R, Lemström K, Mäkisalo H. Organ and tissue transplantation, In the textbook of Immunology: microbiology, immunology, and infectious diseases (In Finnish: Elin- ja kudossiirrot, Immunologia: mikrobiologia, immunologia ja infektiosairaudet). Duodecim, Helsinki, Finland, 2011, pp 394-400.
- Koskinen PK, Lemström KB. Immunosuppressive Drugs. In the textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. (In Finnish: Immunosuppressiiviset lääkeaineet, Kliininen farmakologia ja lääkehoito). Kandidaattikustannus oy/Lääketieteen kandisaattiseura Ry, Helsinki, Finland, 2011, pp 691-704.
- Lemström K, Lommi J. Heart failure – surgical treatment and heart transplantation. In the textbook of Cardiology (In Finnish: Sydämen vajaatoiminnan kirurginen hoito ja sydämensiirto), Duodecim, 2016, pp 751-766.
- Lemström K. Heart transplantation and mechanical circulatory support and lung and heart-lung transplantation. In the textbook of Surgery. In Finnish: Sydänsiirrot ja sydämen mekaaninen tukihoito ja keuhkonsiirrot ja sydän- ja keuhkosiirrot. Kirurgia, Duodecim, Helsinki, 2016, in press.