Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Hakala, E. 2020, 'Turvallistamisen uudet tuulet: Ilmastonmuutos osana Suomen kokonaisturvallisuuden toimintamallia', Kosmopolis.
Hakala, E, Lähde, V, Majava, A, Toivanen, T, Váden, T, Järvensivu, P & Eronen, JT. 2019, 'A Lot of Talk, But Little Action: The Blind Spots of Nordic Environmental Security Policy', Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 8, 2379.
Hakala, E, Lähde, V, Majava, A, Toivanen, T, Váden, T, Järvensivu, P & Eronen, JT. 2019, 'Northern Warning Lights: Ambiguities of Environmental Security in Finland and Sweden ', Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 8, 2228. Available on the MDPI Open Access website.
Hakala, ES. 2017, 'Economic sustainability, water security and multi-level governance of local water schemes in Nepal', Revista de Paz y Conflictos, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 87-111.
Hakala, ES & Batas Bjelic, I. 2016, 'Leapfrogging potential for sustainable energy transition in Serbia', International Journal of Energy Sector Management, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 381-401.
Hakala, E & Järvinen, J. 2014, 'From the Grassroots to the Region: Civil Society as an Opportunity for Regional Cooperation on Environment in the Western Balkans', Review of International Affairs, vol. 65, no. 1155-1156.
Hakala, E. 2012, 'Cooperation for the Enhancement of Environmental Citizenship in the Context of Securitization: The Case of an OSCE Project in Serbia', Journal of Civil Society, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 385-399.
Hakala, E. 2012, 'Ympäristö ja turvallisuus Länsi-Balkanilla', Idäntutkimus, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 31-40.
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2020, ‘Reflections on the Legality of Attacks Against the Natural Environment by Way of Reprisals’, Göttingen Journal of International Law, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 47-66
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2020, ‘The Promise and Perils of Protected Zones’, Environmental Scientist, June, pp. 44-49
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2016, ‘Protection of the Environment During Armed Conflicts: An Appraisal of the ILC’s Work’, Questions of International Law, vol. 34, pp. 7-26
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2013, ‘Towards a Coherent Framework for Transnational Corporations’ Responsibility in International Environmental Law’, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, vol. 24, pp. 131-16
Vadén, T., Lähde, V., Majava, A., Järvensivu, P., Toivanen, T., Hakala, E., & Eronen, J. T., 2020. 'Decoupling for ecological sustainability: A categorization and review of research literature', Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 112, pp. 236–244.
Van der Vet, F. (Accepted, forthcoming) “Spies, Lies, Trials, and Trolls: Political Lawyering against Disinformation and State Surveillance in Russia” Law & Social Inquiry
Van der Vet, F. 2018, “‘When They Come for You’: Legal Mobilization in New Authoritarian Russia” Law & Society Review 52 (2): 301-336
Van der Vet, F. 2017, “In the Shadow of the Ombudsman: Civil Society and the Struggle for an Independent Human Rights Institution in St. Petersburg, Russia”, Europe-Asia Studies 69 (8): 1201-1221
Van der Vet, F & Lyytikäinen L. 2015, “Violence and Human Rights in Russia: How Human Rights Defenders Develop their Tactics in the Face of Danger, 2005-2013”. Special Issue “Critical Perspectives on the Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders” The International Journal of Human Rights 19 (7): 979-998
Van der Vet, F. 2014, “Holding on to Legalism: the Politics of Russian Litigation on Torture and Discrimination before the European Court of Human Rights”. Social & Legal Studies 23 (3): 361-381
Van der Vet, F. 2013, “Transitional Justice in Chechnya: NGO Political Advocacy for Implementing Chechen Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights”. Review of Central and East European Law 38 (3-4): 363–88.
Van der Vet, F. 2012, “Seeking Life, Finding Justice: Russian NGO litigation and Chechen Disappearances before the European Court of Human Rights”. Human Rights Review 13 (3): 303–25.
Book Chapters
Bhuta, N, Pantazopoulos SE. 2016, ‘Autonomy and Uncertainty: Increasingly Autonomous Weapons Systems and the International Legal Regulation of Risk’. in N Bhuta, S Beck, R Geiß, HY Liu & C Kreß (eds), Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 284-300
Hakala, E. 2020, Environmental Security for the Promotion of Pan-European Integration: The OSCE as a ‘Europeanising Actor’ in the Balkans. in B Matthew & K Suvi (eds), European Integration Beyond Brussels : Unity in East and West Europe Since 1945. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hakala, ES. 2018, Demokratisoituminen ja ympäristöpolitiikka. in K Miklóssy & J Nikula (eds), Demokratian karikot. Gaudeamus, Helsinki, pp. 177-190.
Hakala, E. 2014, Cooperation for the Enhancement of Environmental Citizenship in the Context of Securitization: The Case of an OSCE Project in Serbia. in T Kontinen & H Onodera (eds), Citizenship, Civil Society and Development: Interconnections in a Global World. Routledge.
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2022, ‘Safeguarding Measures and the Interplay Between the 1954 Hague Convention, its 1999 Second Protocol, and the 1972 World Heritage Convention’. in E Cunliffe & P Stone (eds), Refuges and in situ Protection in the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: a Contemporary Re-evaluation. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. (forthcoming)
Vaden, T, Majava, A, Toivanen, TT, Järvensivu, P, Hakala, E & Eronen, JT. 2019, 'To continue to burn something? Technological, economic and political path dependencies in district heating in Helsinki, Finland', Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 58, 101270. Available on Science Direct.
Van der Vet, F. 2019, “Imprisoned for a ‘Like’: The Criminal Prosecution of Social Media Users under Authoritarianism”, in Freedom of Expression in Russia’s New Mediasphere, edited by Mariëlle Wijermars and Katja Lehtisaari. Routledge: London, New York.
Van der Vet, F & Lyytikäinen L. 2016, “Violence and Human Rights in Russia: How Human Rights Defenders Develop their Tactics in the Face of Danger, 2005-2013”. In Critical Perspectives on the Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders, edited by Dana Ingleton, James Savage, Alice Nah, and Karen Bennett. Routledge: London, New York.
Book Reviews
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2018, “Book Review of Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Compliance: The Benefits of Administrative Procedures” by Higgins, Anna. 2018. London: Routledge, in Yearbook of International Environmental Law 29: 525-528
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2018, “Book Review of Is International Law International? Exploring its Normative Underpinnings” by Roberts, Anthea. 20187. Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Questions of International Law 54: 5-19
Van der Vet, F. 2015, “Book Review of The Reappeared: Argentine Former Political Prisoners” by Rebekah Park. 2014. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, AllegraLab
Van der Vet, F. 2012, “Book Review of Human Rights Matters: Local Politics and National Human Rights Institutions” by Mertus, Julie. 2009. Stanford: Stanford University Press, in Suomen Antropologi
Van der Vet, F. 2010, “Book Review of Surrendering to Utopia, an Anthropology of Human Rights“, by Goodale, Mark. 2009. Stanford: Stanford University Press, in Suomen Antropologi 35 (3): 96-97
Academic dissertations
Hakala, ES. 2018, 'International Organisations and the Securitisation of the Environment in Post-Conflict Western Balkans', University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Pantazopoulos, SE. 2020, ‘Protecting the Environment Against the Impacts of Armed Conflict’, European University Institute, Florence
Van der Vet, F. 2014, Doctoral Dissertation: “Finding Justice at the European Court of Human Rights: The Dynamics of Strategic Litigation and Human Rights Defense in the Russian Federation“. Publications of the Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki. Unigrafia: Helsinki
Other Publications
Averin, D., Freek Van der Vet, F., Nikolaieva, I. & Denisov, N. 2022. "The Environmental Cost of the War in Ukraine". Green European Journal, Available on:…
Cottrell, L., Weir, D., Pantazopoulos, SE. & Burbridge D., 2021, ‘Commitment to Environmental Standards and Audits’, in Environment and Development Resource Centre, Sustainable Peace and Security in a Changing Climate: Recommendations for NATO 2030 (Brussels/The Hague). Available on
Floud, R. & Pantazopoulos, SE. 2021, ‘Treaty Amendment’, in Environment and Development Resource Centre, Sustainable Peace and Security in a Changing Climate: Recommendations for NATO 2030 (Brussels/The Hague). Available on
Hakala, E. & Van der Ver, F. 2021, Protecting the environment during armed conflict: From principles to implementation, no. 311, Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Available on FIIA - Briefing Paper 311
Hakala, E. 2020, Finland: Ambitious, but Somewhat Vague? in The Wind of Changes or More of the Same? : Energy and Climate Policies and Energy Security after the 2018-2019 Period of Elections in the Baltic Region . International Centre for Defence and Security.
Hakala, E. 2019, 'Voisiko huoltovarmuus auttaa ilmastonmuutokseen varautumisessa?',
Hakala, E. 2019, 'Minä väitän: Ympäristönsuojelun pohjalle voi rakentaa rauhaa', Maj & Tor Nesslingin Ratkaisuja-blogi.
Hakala, E, Mikkola, H, Käpylä, J, Pesu, M & Aaltola, M. 2019, Suomen huoltovarmuus ja Baltian alue: Tiivistyvät yhteydet muuttuvassa turvallisuusympäristössä. Fiia Report, no. 61, Ulkopoliittinen instituutti, Helsinki.
Hakala, E. 2019, 'Ilmastoturvallisuus - Voimapolitiikkaa vai globaalia oikeudenmukaisuutta?', WISE: Laajan turvallisuuden verkosto Wider Security Network, no. 7/2019.
Hakala, E. 2019, 'Ympäristöturvallisuus ja yhteistyö Länsi-Balkanilla', Idäntutkimus, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 104-108.
Hakala, E. 2019 'India and the global geoeconomics of climate change: Gains from cooperation?' ORF Issue Brief, no. 291, Observer Research Foundation.
Hakala, ES. 2019, 'Ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnan seuraukset on otettavana tosiasiana poliittisessa päätöksenteossa',
Hakala, ES, Iina, H & Laakso, J (eds). 2018, Kenen historia? Raportti monipuolisen historiantutkimuksen, -opetuksen ja vuoropuhelun tilasta ja haasteista Suomessa. HWB Report, no. 3, Historians without Borders in Finland, Helsinki.
Hakala, ES. 2018 'India and the geoeconomics of climate change: Global responsibility as strategic interest' FIIA Working paper, no. 104, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki.
Hakala, ES & Riikka, S. 2018, 'Ilmastouhkat nousevat turvallisuuden ytimeen', Suomen Kuvalehti, vol. 102, no. 5, pp. 6-10.
Hakala, ES. 2018, Addressing the Legacy of Colonialism: Seminar report . HWB Reports, no. 2, Historians Without Borders, Helsinki.
Hakala, ES & Lampi, H-L. 2018, 'Ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa turvallisuuteen, myös Suomessa', Turun Sanomat.
Hakala, ES. 2018, 'Presidentinvaalien ilmastonmuutospuhe: turvallisuusliturgiaa vai todellinen uhkakuva?',
Hakala, ES & Laakso, J. 2017, 'Serbian tuleva presidentti – susi lampaan vaatteissa?',
Hakala, E. 2017, 'Docpoint: Mies ja mahti - Terrorismia taiteen keinoin?',
Hakala, E. 2016, Climate Security: Strategy or Necessity for Finland? Briefing Paper, no. 209, Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
Hakala, E. 2016, Closing Plenary. in Historians without Borders: The Use and Abuse of History in Conflicts: Conference Report. Historians Without Borders, pp. 41-44, Historians without Borders: The Use and Abuse of History in Conflicts, Helsinki, Finland, 19/05/2016.
Hakala, E. 2016, Introduction. in Historians without Borders: The Use and Abuse of History in Conflicts: Conference Report. Historians Without Borders, pp. 1-5, Historians without Borders: The Use and Abuse of History in Conflicts, Helsinki, Finland, 19/05/2016.
Hakala, E. 2015, 'Poikkeustoimia hyvän sään aikana – ilmastonmuutos osana turvallisuuskeskustelua',
Hakala, E. 2013, 'Balkan Border Crossings: First Annual of the Konitsa Summer School', Journal of Borderlands Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 275-276. Available on the Taylor & Francis website.
Hakala, E. 2012, 'Workshop „Environmentální dějiny visegrádských zemí“', Soudobé dějiny, vol. XIX, no. 1.
Hakala, E. 2012, Securitisation of Environment in the Western Balkans: The role of International Organisations in Regional Co-operation. in J Järvinen & E Hakala (eds), Energy Security and Environment in the Western Balkans. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, pp. 112-131.
Järvensivu, P, Hakala, E, Lummaa, K, Lähde, V, Majava, AJ, Toivanen, TT, Vaden, T & Eronen, JT. 2019, 'Ilmastokriisiin sopeutuminen on kansanterveydellinen kysymys', Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 341-345. Availble on Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti.
Järvensivu, P, Toivanen, TT, Vaden, T, Lähde, V, Hakala, E, Majava, AJ, Lummaa, K & Eronen, JT. Ecological Reconstruction in Finland, 2019, Digital or Visual Products, BIOS, Helsinki.
Järvensivu, P, Toivanen, TT, Vaden, T, Lähde, V, Hakala, E, Majava, AJ, Lummaa, K & Eronen, JT, Ekologinen jälleenrakennus, 2019, Digital or Visual Products, BIOS, Helsinki.
Järvinen, J & Hakala, E. 2012, (In)secure Environment in the Western Balkans. in J Järvinen & E Hakala (eds), Energy Security and Environment in the Western Balkans. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, pp. 14-53.
Järvinen, J & Hakala, E (eds). 2012, Energy Security and Environment in the Western Balkans. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki.
Järvinen, J & Hakala, E. 2012, Environmental Security Research. in J Järvinen & E Hakala (eds), Energy Security and Environment in the Western Balkan. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, pp. 7-13.
Michalakea, T & Pantazopoulos, SE, 2020, ‘Questionnaire: Enhancing Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Conflict-affected Settings’ (in English, French and Spanish). Available on…
Michalakea, T & Pantazopoulos, SE, 2020, ‘Enhancing Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Conflict-affected Settings’. Available on…
Michalakea, T & Pantazopoulos, SE, 2020, ‘Recommendations: Enhancing Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Conflict-affected Settings’ (in English, French and Spanish). Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE & Weir, D, 2020, ‘Report: Canada’s practice on the Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2020, ‘Members Urge States and the IUCN to Address Conflicts and Biodiversity’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2019, ‘Report: 2019’s UN General Assembly Debate on the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2019, ‘Report: The United Kingdom’s Practice on the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2019, ‘Briefing paper: Strengthening the International Law Commission’s Newly Adopted Draft Principles on the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflicts’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2019, ‘UN Lawyers Approve 28 Legal Principles to Reduce the Environmental Impact of War’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2019, ‘New UN Legal Report Addresses the Responsibility of States and Corporations for Environmental Damage in Conflict’. Available on…
Pantazopoulos, SE, 2016, ‘The Environment in Armed Conflicts: Draft Principles’, Environmental Policy and Law, vol. 46, pp. 19-23
Tuomioja, E & Hakala, ES. 2016, 'Historian merkitys ei katoa nykypäivänäkään', Turun Sanomat.Van der Vet, F. 2017, Comment: A.H. and Others v. Russia, European Court of Human Rights, European Human Rights Cases [Noot:A.H. and Others v. Russia, Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, European Human Rights Cases.
Van der Vet, F, 18 September 2018. With Pola Cebulak, “Internationale Gerechtshoven zijn Veerkrachtiger dan Vaak Gedacht Wordt”. Knack
Van der Vet, F. 28 August 2018. “‘When they Come for You’ How Lawyers Resist Authoritarianism in Russia”. Law and Society Blog
Van der Vet, F. 2017, Comment: A.H. and Others v. Russia, European Court of Human Rights, European Human Rights Cases [Noot:A.H. and Others v. Russia, Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, European Human Rights Cases
Van der Vet, F & Lyytikäinen, L. 13 November 2015. “How Can Human Rights Defenders Cope with Legal Constraints and High Risk in Russia?” New Tactics in Human Rights
Van der Vet, F. 6 November 2015. “Den Nordkaukasus vor Gericht bringen: Russische Nichtregierungsorganisationen und der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte”. Russland Analysen
Van der Vet, F. 24 March 2015. “Who is Afraid of Human Rights in Russia?” AllegraLab
Van der Vet, F. 2008. “Over Poetin’s Jongerenbeweging en de Oppositie” Tegenlicht/Backlight
Van der Vet, F. 2007. “The Honest Boxer, Grigory Yavlinsky Makes Another Run for the Presidency”. Russia Profile
Van der Vet, F. 2007. “Putin’s Plan?” European Forum for Solidarity and Democracy
Van der Vet, F. 2007. “Elections in Russia: the Party of Putin Wins”. European Forum for Solidarity and Democracy
Van der Vet, F. 2006. “De ‘Nasji’ Generatie” Alfred Mozer Foundation
Van der Vet, F. 2006. “De Soldaten Moeders en hun Adviesgroepen in Rusland” Alfred Mozer Foundation