The first Yamnaya burial of the year 2021 excavated in Romania

This spring comes with exciting news from Romania. During the past month, the team of archaeologists from Prahova County Museum, coordinated by Dr. Alin Frînculeasa, carried out rescue excavations in a burial mound at Ariceștii-Rahtivani, near Ploieşti. One burial showing the typical Yamnaya ritual was uncovered in the centre of the mound.

This burial contained the skeletal remains of an adult male individual lying supine with the knees initially raised and later fallen to both sides, and the arms stretched along the body. His head was oriented towards the west and red ochre was sprinkled around the skull. Under the bones, there were visible traces of a vegetable mat on which the man was laid during the funeral.

We thank our Romanian colleagues for sharing the information and pictures with us!

YMPACT Romanian Excavation 2021