Conferences and Seminars

Find information about conferences and seminars below
PrecaNord Platform Work Seminar 20.5.2024 at 13-15

Laura Lam, doctoral researcher at University of Toronto will present her work. 

Olivia Maury, (University of Helsinki) will present collaborative work in progress done with Lena Näre and Olivia Hakala under the title "Ambivalent affects in the platform assemblage: experiences of attachment and resistance among migrant platform workers". 

The seminar is held at Unioninkatu 35, room 344 on the third floor. 

Sociology Talks 28.5.2024 at 15-17

Dr. Ann-Cathrin Corrales-Øverlid from the University of Bergen will be sharing her insights on a pressing and significant issue: "From Combating 'Work-Related Crime' to the Prevention of Migrant Labor Exploitation: The Differentiated, Precarious, and Predatory Inclusion of Migrants in Norway"

️ Date: Tuesday, 28th May

⏰ Time: 3:00 PM

 Venue: Room 113, U35 (Unioninkatu 35)

Dr. Corrales-Øverlid's presentation will explore the complex challenges migrants face in Norway, transitioning from general work-related crimes to specific strategies aimed at preventing labor exploitation. Her research, enriched by extensive fieldwork across three continents, uses in-depth interviews and ethnographic methods to provide a nuanced view of migrants' experiences and their interactions with broader socio-economic forces.

 After the seminar, we invite you to join us at a reception right here in U35. It will be an excellent opportunity for everyone to discuss the topics further and network in a relaxed environment.

Critical Perspectives on Precarious and Informal Work symposium

The kick-off symposium of PrecaNord took place at the University of Helsinki on August 24th-25th, 2023.

Abstarct book:

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