
Selected and Recent publications as well as doctoral thesis from the Synaptic Plasticity and Development research group
Selected publications

Ryazantseva M, Liiwand M, Lauri SE (2024) GABAB- GluK1 kainate receptor interplay modulates amygdala excitability and behavioral response to chronic stress. bioRxiv 2024.01.15.575620

Haikonen J, Szrinivasan R, Ojanen S, Rhee JK, Ryazantseva M, Sulku J, Zumaraite G, Lauri SE. (2024) GluK1 kainate receptors are necessary for functional maturation of parvalbumin interneurons regulating amygdala circuit function. Mol Psychiatry 

Haikonen J, Englund J, Amarilla SP, Kharybina Z, Shintyapina A, Kegler K, Garcia MS, Atanasova T, Taira T, Hartung H, Lauri SE. (2022) Aberrant cortical projections to amygdala GABAergic neurons contribute to developmental circuit dysfunction following early life stress. iScience 26(1):105724. 

Englund J, Haikonen J, Shteinikov V, Amarilla SP, Atanasova T, Shintyapina A, Ryazantseva M, Partanen J, Voikar V, Lauri SE. (2021) Downregulation of kainate receptors regulating GABAergic transmission in amygdala after early life stress is associated with anxiety-like behavior in rodents. Transl Psychiatry 11, 538

Lauri SE, Ryazantseva M, Orav E, Vesikansa A, Taira T (2021)  Kainate receptors in the developing neuronal networks. Review article, Neuropharmacology  195:108585.

Ryazantseva M, Englund J, Shintyapina A, Huupponen J, Shteinikov V, Pitkänen A, Partanen JM, Lauri SE. (2020) Kainate receptors regulate development of glutamatergic synaptic circuitry in the rodent amygdala. eLife e52798


Luchkina NV, Huupponen J, Clarke VR, Coleman SK, Keinänen K, Taira T, Lauri SE. (2014) Developmental switch in the kinase dependency of long-term potentiation depends on expression of GluA4 subunit-containing AMPA receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(11):4321-6.

Clarke VRJ., Molchanova SM, Hirvonen T, Taira T, Lauri SE. (2014) Activity-dependent up-regulation of presynaptic  kainate receptors at immature CA3-CA1 synapses. J Neurosci. 34(50): 16902-16.

Lauri SE, Vesikansa A, Segerstråle M, Collingridge GL, Isaac JTR and Taira T (2006) Functional maturation of CA1 synapses involves activity-dependent loss of tonic kainate receptor-mediated inhibition of glutamate release. Neuron, 50(3):415-29.

Lauri SE, Bortolotto ZA Bleakman D, Ornstein PL, Lodge D, Isaac JTR and Collingridge GL (2001) A critical role of a facilitatory kainate autoreceptor in mossy fibre LTP. Neuron, 32: 697-709.

Recent publications in University of Helsinki Research Portal
Doctoral Thesis