Bodo Steiner, followed by a discussion.
Emilie Yliheljo (Doctoral candidate, University of Helsinki) presented interesting insights on “Emissions trading as a tool for regulating greenhouse gas emissions from road transport?”, shedding some light on the functioning of the EU ETS, the efforts of the system in the energy and aviation sector and a possible inclusion of the road transport sector.
We were honoured to welcome Prof. Bodo Steiner at this InterTran meeting, who gave an introductory presentation on his background and recent research projects to the group. Steiner is a Professor of Food Economics at the Department of Economics & Management, University of Helsinki and Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta, Department of Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology. Prof. Steiner’s research interests include organizational performance, social networks and sustainability applied to the agri-food value chain, with a focus on micro-econometrics.
We are delighted to welcome Prof. Steiner as a researcher to our group and look forward to a fruitful collaboration.