Frequent updates covering the latest lab news for RNAcious lab fans.
- January 2025: New publication is out! See the paper here - Purification of micrococcal nuclease for use in ribosomal profiling of high-salinity extremophiles
- November 2024: RNacious lab members participated on 29th tRNA conference in Kanazawa, Japan.
- November 2024: Jenni, Matea and Anna showcased their work at 7th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe (ASBE7) in Brno, Czech Republic.
- October 2024: On 11th October, Pavlina Gregorova gave presentation on Virus induced tRNA cleavage in Shewanella glacialimarina at fiRNA salon in Turku.
- October 2024: Our new preprint Purification of micrococcal nuclease (MNase) for use in ribosomal profiling of high-salinity extremophiles is now out!
- October 2024: Favour Mba and Tuuli Kirkinen joined the lab. Welcome!
- September 2024: Jenni Pedor and Matea Radešić presented their research at FEBS3+ meeting: Exploring Molecular Frontiers (25th - 28th September) in Pula, Croatia.
- September 2024: Nika Mikhailava joined the lab for autumn intership. Welcome!
- August 2024: New publication is out! See the paper here - Long noncoding RNA EPCART regulates translation through PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and PDCD4 in prostate cancer
- July 2024: Ebru Yaman joined the lab for the summer internship. Welcome!
- June 2024: Check our new preprint Deciphering the RNA Modification Landscape in Arabidopsis Chloroplast tRNAs and rRNAs Reveals a Blend of Ancestral and Acquired Characteristics
- May 2024: The call for new Doctoral Researcher has closed. Thanks to all 122 applicants for their interest!
- April 2024: New Doctoral Researcher position open! See more - Doctoral Researcher in RNA-based mechanisms
- September 2023: New publication is out! Check Global analysis of aging-related protein structural changes uncovers enzyme-polymerization-based control of longevity
- September 2023: The new Master's course - MMB-505 Principles of RNA Biology, organized by RNAcious lab has started! For more info about the course, click here.
- September 2023: Peter participates on FEMS Annual General Meeting in Vienna, Austria.
- June 2023: Jenni presents poster at RNA Society meeting in Singapore.
- May 2023: Our collaborator Jocelyne DiRuggiero visits University of Helsinki and gives talk about her research on HiLIFE seminar. Check more of her research here.
- May 2023: M.Sc. Matea Radešić joins RNAcious lab as new PhD Researcher!
- January 2023: New publication is out! Check Bacteriophage Infection of the Marine Bacterium Shewanella glacialimarina Induces Dynamic Changes in tRNA Modifications
- January 2023: Matthew Isada, a PhD student from Jocelyne DiRuggiero's lab at the Johns Hopkins University visits RNAcious lab.
- December 2022: Jenni, Mirka and Peter participate at Emerging Applications of Microbes in Leuven, Belgium.
- December 2022: Our post-doc Mirka Lampi receives funding from NovoNordisk Foundation. Congratulations!
- December 2022: The annual retreat of RNAcious lab - this year on ferry to Stockholm!
- October 2022: New review - Learning from the Invaders: What Viruses Teach Us about RNA-Based Regulation in Microbes - is out! Check here
- August 2022: Students of RNAcious lab Milla Halme and Minna-Maria Heinonen graduates with M.Sc. Congratulations !
- July 2022: Ph.D. student Muhammad Suleman Qasim presents his project as a poster at the RNA structure to function conference held at Åkersberga, Sweden.
- June 2022: Post doc; Mirka Lampi, Ph.D. students; Pavlína Gregorová, Jenni Pedor and master students Milla Halme and Minna-Maria Heinonen present their projects as posters at the tRNA conference 2022 (Columbus Ohio).
- July 2021: Ph.D. Mirka Lampi gives a five-minute speed talk at the American Society for Virology 2021 meeting (online).
- June 2021: Ph.D. students Pavlína Gregorová, Jenni Pedor, and Suleman Qasim present their projects as posters at the 26th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (online).
- June 2021: B.Sc. Milla Halme joins the lab as part of her advanced studies. Welcome!
- February 2021: Erasmus+ exchange student Ronja Haikarainen joins the lab for her B.Sc. project. Welcome!
- November 2020: M.Sc. Jenni Pedor is awarded a four-year funded position at the Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS) starting January 1st 2021. Congratulations Jenni!
- November 2020: M.Sc. Suleman Qasim receives the FEMS Journals Oral Presentation Prize for his talk at the FEMS Online Conference on Microbiology 2020. Well done Suleman!
- October 2020: B.Scs Silvija Milosavljevic, Niklas Ahlblad, and Biplu Prajapati start their respective M.Sc. projects. Welcome to Silvija, Niklas, and Biplu!
- September 2020: The TUPA consortium receives Business Finland Co-Creation funding to develop societal safety solutions against airborne pathogens, incl. SARS-CoV-2. The RNAcious lab develops RNA-based diagnostics approaches for use in the TUPA consortium.
- June 2020: B.Sc. Biplu Prajapati joins the team as part of his advanced studies, and Milla Halme joins as a research assistant. Welcome Milla & Biplu!
- March 2020: The RNAcious lab receives funding from the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation to further pursue research on the role of RNA modification in tumour formation.
- January 2020: Joint lab retreat with the Cellular Individuality/Saarikangas lab at the Tvärminne Zoological Station.
- January 2020: M.Sc. Salla Kalaniemi and Ph.D. Mirka Lampi join the team. Welcome!
- November 2019: M.Sc. Jenni Katri Pedor joins the lab as a NNF funded doctoral student. Welcome Jenni!
- October 2019: Erasmus+ exchange student Aurora Díaz Pérez joins the lab for an internship. Welcome!
- September 2019: M.Sc. Muhammed Suleman Qasim joins the lab as a NNF funded doctoral student. Welcome Suleman!
- September 2019: The doctoral student selection process has been completed and M.Sc. Jenni Katri Pedor and M.Sc. Muhammed Suleman Qasim have been chosen. Congratulations to Jenni and Suleman!
- August 2019: Call for doctoral students and postdoctoral candidates has closed. Thanks to all 93 applicants for your interest! The positions will be filled during September.
- July 2019: The RNAcious lab is featured on the University of Helsinki webpage. Check it out (in Finnish and Swedish).
- June 2019: Call for Novo Nordisk Foundation funded doctoral student and postdoc positions now open. See more at OPEN POSITIONS.
- June 2019: RNAcious at the 24th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Krakow, June 11th-16th 2019.
- June 2019: M.Sc. Muhammed Suleman Qasim joins the lab as a research assistant. Welcome!
- May 2019: Minna-Maria Heinonen joins the lab as a summer student. Welcome!
- May 2019: We are soon hiring two doctoral students and a postdoctoral researcher for a Novo Nordisk Foundation funded project. Stay tuned for further updates!
- May 2019: Dr. Peter Sarin is one of four recipients of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Emerging Investigator grant 2019-2024 within biotechnology-based synthesis and production. Congratulations RNAcious lab!
- March 2019: Dr. Hannu Hotti is awarded a stipend by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. Congratulations!
- December 2018: M.Sc. Pavlína Gregorová was awarded a funded position at the Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS). Congratulations!
- October 2018: Erasmus+ exchange student Berta Garrido Zabala joins the lab for an internship. Welcome!
- August 2018: Lab retreat in Nuuksio national park, Espoo.
- June 2018: Basma Ragab and José Luis Delgado Romo join the lab as research assistants for three months. Welcome!
- May 2018: Dr. Hannu Hotti was awarded Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher funding. Congratulations!
- April 2018: Dr. Ulrike Abendroth joined the lab. Welcome!
- March 2018: M.Sc. Pavlína Gregorová received the Chancellor's Travel Grant for 2018. Congratulations!
- January 2018: RNAcious lab's first review paper on tRNA modification and infection is now online! Thumbs up!
- January 2018: Dr. Peter Sarin gave a 3-min flash talk at the Science Day, a kick-off event organized by the Molecules, Cells and System Research Program!
- November 2017: M.Sc. Pavlína Gregorová has been admitted a right to pursue doctoral degree in ILS, UH. Congratulations!
- November 2017: Dr. Cha San Koh gave a talk in the Virus Club at UH on viral-encoded tRNA molecules!
- August 2017: MSc. Pavlína Gregorová to become the first Ph.D. student of the RNAcious Lab. Welcome!
- May 2017: M.Sc. Rajita Thapa, summer student, joined the RNAcious Lab. Welcome!
- April 2017: Dr. Peter Sarin received funding from the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation. Congratulations!
- January 2017: Dr. Cha San Koh joined the force of the RNAcious Lab. Welcome!
- November 2016: Dr. Hannu Hotti joined the lab. Welcome!
- September 2016: B.Sc. Duolong Zhu joined the lab. Welcome!
- September 2016: The RNAcious Lab is established, directed by Dr. Peter Sarin, Academy of Finland Research Fellow.