Our collaboration with the president and CEO of LUKE (Natural Resources Institute Finland) Johanna Buchert is essential to the success of our endeavour, as LUKE holds the largest and most versatile time series in Finland. The collation and analysis of these time series supports LUKE's long term strategy, and the work done in this consortium will have long-standing benefits for both the collaborators and the wider scientific community and society.
Our confirmed collaborators
Science Advisory Board SAB
To monitor our progress and ensure our impact, we will have a follow-up group. The group represents our stakeholders and end users: Johanna Buchert (President and CEO of LUKE), Mikko Peltonen (Research Director, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland), Tanja Suni (Research Director, Ministry of the Environment of Finland), Prof. Ben Sheldon (Director, Edward Grey Institute, Oxford University) and Aino Juslén (Director of LUOMUS).