Publications and activities

Publications and activities.



25 June 2024 Äystö & Hjelm: "Few to Speak for, but Good for Culture War: The Visibility of Religion Talk in the Finnish Parliament, 2010–2020". Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 37 (1), 4–18

5 February 2024. Äystö & Hjelm: "Religion as a troublesome resource in Finnish abortion debates". Religion, State and Society 52(1), 3-20,

25 January 2024. Kyyrö & Ahonen: “Hyvää uutta vuotta ja Jumalan siunausta!” Siunauksen toivottamisen perinne presidenttipelissä.


31.12.2023. Koiranen,  Äystö,  Kyyrö,  Ahonen & Hjelm: "Kristillisestä valtiosta kulttuuriseen kristillisyyteen: Kristillinen nationalismi 2020-luvun Suomessa". In P. Kuivala, & A. Sevillano (eds.), Kristinusko ja nationalismi: Kristendom och nationalism. Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran vuosikirja 2023; Nro 113, 96-129. Helsinki: Suomen kirkkohistoriallinen seura. 

10 May 2023 Kyyrö, Äystö & Hjelm: “The Cult of Greta Thunberg”: De-legitimating Climate Activism with “Religion”. Critical Research on Religion,

23 April 2023 Äystö: Anti-Islam Politics, Christianity and Identity in the Finnish Public Sphere. In Morteza Hashemi & Christopher R. Cotter (edit.), Religion in Fortress Europe: Perspectives on Belief, Citizenship and Identity in a Time of Polarized Politics. London: Bloomsbury.

29 March 2023 Hjelm, Äystö, Koiranen, Ahonen & Kyyrö: Religion, Politics, and Finnish Attitudes: Report. (In Finnish)


16 November 2022. Kyyrö: Tarvitaanko kansalaisuskonnon käsitettä?

15 September 2022. Äystö: Ainoastaan Räsänen? Median ote kansanedustajien uskonnollisuuteen.

31 August 2022. Ahonen: Sukuelinten silpomisen uskonnolliset ja kulttuuriset jäsennykset eduskuntapuheessa.

1 June 2022 (Book review) Äystö: Hijacked: A Critical Treatment of the Public Rhetoric of Good and Bad Religion by Leslie Dorrough Smith, Steffen Führding, and Adrian Smith (eds), Equinox, Sheffield and Bristol. Religion (online).

9 May 2022. Äystö & Ahonen: Kirkosta eroamisen taustalla näkyvät useimmin taloudelliset syyt.

13 April 2022 Äystö: Kirkosta eroamisen syyt.

8 April 2022 Äystö, Koivula, Wessman, Kyyrö & Hjelm: Miksi suomalaiset eroavat evankelis-luterilaisesta kirkosta? Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 87 (2): 129–140.


15 June 2021 Äystö and Hjelm: "Onko uskonnolla merkitystä nykypäivän politiikassa?"

17 May 2021. Äystö: "The Finnish Mu­ni­cipal Elec­tions 2021: A Re­li­gion Schol­ar’s View." (See the News section)

14 April 2021 Äystö: "Kuntavaalit ja uskonto".

2 Feb 2021. Äystö: "Op­po­si­tio­puo­luei­den kun­ta­vaa­lioh­jel­mat us­kon­non­tut­ki­jan sil­min". (See the Ajankohtaista -osio in the Finnish project pages)


21 Oct 2020. Hjelm: "Uskonnon ja politiikan tutkimuksen katvealueilla".



31 January 2024 Hjelm gave a presentation "Religious speech in Politics" in University of Helsinki's Tiedekulma


28 November 2023 Kyyrö gave a presentation “Why do Finns leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church?” in the Gender and Religious Exit: Moving Away from Faith online symposium.

16 November 2023 Kyyrö gave an online presentation “Religion and decision-making” at the Religious Literacy Education event for journalists, hosted by the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Communications Department, Helsinki Finland.

30 October – 11 December 2023 Kyyrö taught a course on "Religion and Politics in Contemporary Finland" at the University of Helsinki.

15th October 2023 Ahonen participated in a panel discussion on religion and politics in Alava parish, Kuopio, Finland.

12 October 2023 Kyyrö gave a presentation on Civil religion and representations of the nation in University of Turku Folkloristics and Study of Religion Studia Generalia lecture series in Turku.

4–8 September 2023 Hjelm, Kyyrö, Äystö, and Ahonen presented project's research in the 20th Annual European Association for the Study of Religion (EASR) conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.

1 May 2023 Kyyrö was interviewed on delegetimation of climative activism in Kotimaa.

1 April 2023 Äystö was interviewed on constituents' religious attitudes in Iltalehti.

10–12 May 2023 Ahonen presented ongoing research at The Annual Conference of the Finnish Political Science Association, Jyväskylä, Finland.

28 March 2023 Hjelm and Äystö participated in seminar '100 years of freedom of Religion' at the University of Helsinki Think Corner.

23–24 March 2023 Hjelm presented project's research in Sociological Conference, Tampere, Finland.


17 November 2022 Hjelm was interviewed by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle Aamu) on parish elections.

13 October 2022 Hjelm was interviewed on impact of religion in national politics (Yle Uutiset).

17 - 19 August 2022 Ahonen presented project's research in The 25th Nordic Conference in the Sociology of Religion, Gothenburg, Sweden.

27 June – 1 July 2022 Äystö and Hjelm presented the project's research in the annual European Association for the Study of Religion conference in Cork, Ireland.

10–13 June 2022 Äystö and Hjelm presented the project's research in the Critical Research on Religion conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

18–20 May 2022 Äystö and Hjelm presented the project's research, and Ahonen spoke about her previous research in Research Conference in Theology and Religion in Helsinki, Finland.

11–13 May 2022 Äystö presented the project's research in Politiikan tutkimuksen päivät conference in Helsinki, Finland.


22 November 2021 Äystö presented online the project's research in the American Academy of Religion conference in San Antonio, USA.

12 November 2021 Äystö and Hjelm presented online the project's research in the International Sociological Association RC-22 conference in Vilnus, Lithuania.

16 September 2021 Äystö presented the project's research in an event organized by the Centre for the Study of Christian Cultures, University of Turku.

30 August - 3 September 2021 The project participated the EASR Conference Resilient Religion, that was organized online and in Pisa, Italy. Äystö presented the ongoing research.

8-9 June 2021 The project participated the Religion and Cultural Change conference in Åbo Akademi. Äystö presented the ongoing resesarch.

10-12 May 2021. The poroject participated The Annual Conference of the Finnish Political Science Association, presenting the ongoing research of the project.

16 April 2021. Äystö visited an event as a panel chair, organized by a project on religious literacy in Finland,

12 Mar 2021. The project participated to the conference of Finnish sociology Sosiologipäivät, held online. Äystö presented about the automated methods used in the project in the sociology of religion session, and Hjelm co-chaired the session.

22 Jan 2021. The team met with the advisory board online and discussed the project goals, timetable and the related scientific questions.


19 Nov 2020. The project visited the course titled Religion, worldview and tradition, run by university lecturer Alexandra Bergholm (University of Helsinki), during which Hjelm, Haapalainen and Äystö told the new students about the project, as well as about the approaches in the study of religion.

12–13 Nov 2020. The project was represented in the traditional fall seminar for PhD students in the study of religion in Tvärminne, done online this year. Hjelm and Äystö delivered keynotes on religion and politics.