24.1. HSSH Brown Bag Seminar with Asta Zelenkauskaite: Creating chaos online – Methodological challenges to uncover the masked

Welcome to Asta Zelenkauskaite's talk at HSSH Brown Bag Seminar on 24.1.!

With the prevalence of disinformation geared to instill doubt rather than clarity, Creating Chaos Online discusses the ways in which unmasking of disinformation circulation can be empirically analyzed. The focus of the talk is to provide a framework through which specific sociotechnical means relevant to online portals comments that allow to track manifestations of content circulation. Specifically, the talk focuses on social practices specific to analyzed online spaces. While the sociotechnical contexts change over time, the goal is to exemplify the ways one can analyze complex hybrid media ecosystems to trace micro and macro levels of content circulation online.

There will be a 20-minute introduction to the methodological theme, followed by an open discussion of 40 minutes. The seminars are open to everybody. We expect a multidisciplinary and methodologically curious audience from different faculties and units of the central campus. The most important prerequisite for participation is not methodological expertise, but an open mind towards new methodological innovations and discussion across methodological and disciplinary boundaries.

Join us at the HSSH Seminar Room, Vuorikatu 3, 2nd floor, or online via Zoom.


About the author

Dr. Zelenkauskaitė is an associate professor at Drexel University. Her research focuses on emergent practices in online spaces that are traceable through digital meta data and discourses. Her work encompasses computational social science approaches by employing interdisciplinary perspectives that intersect information science, discourse studies, and communication. She is affiliated with the Center for Science, Technology & Society and Information Science departments at Drexel University and Dr. Zelenkauskaitė holds an affiliation with Vilnius Tech University (Lithuania). Her work has been published in New Media & Society, Social Media & Society, Convergence, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, and First Monday, among others. She is an author of Creating Chaos Online: Disinformation and Subverted Post-Publics (University of Michigan Press, 2022).