
Here you can find publications from the Reimagine ADM -project.
Books and edited volumes

Kaun A. & Velkova J. (2024) Beyond Academic Publics: Conversations about Scholarly Collaborations with Cultural Institutions. Linköping University Press.

Highlighted articles and chapters

Lehtiniemi, T. (2023). Contextual social valences for artificial intelligence: anticipation that matters in social work. Information, Communication & Society, OnlineFirst, 1-16.

Andersson, R., & Eidenskog, M. (2023). Beyond barriers–exploring resistance towards BIM through a knowledge infrastructure framework. Construction Management and Economics, 41(11-12), 926-941.

Moats, D., & Tseng, Y. S. (2023). Sorting a public? Using quali-quantitative methods to interrogate the role of algorithms in digital democracy platforms. Information, Communication & Society, 1-35.

Velkova, J. (2023). Retrofitting and ruining: Bunkered data centers in and out of time. new media & society, 25(2), 431-448.

Mayer, V., & Velkova, J. (2023). This site is a dead end? Employment uncertainties and labor in data centers. The Information Society, 39(2), 112-122.

Velkova, J., & Plantin, J. C. (2023). Data centers and the infrastructural temporalities of digital media: An introduction. new media & society, 25(2), 273-286.

Mayer V and Velkova J (2023). Placemaking, Infrastructuring & Curating: Social Mapping of Media Infrastructure Regions. In Parks L, Velkova J, de Ridder S (eds.) Media Backends: Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical Relations. University of Illinois Press.

Žagar, A. P., & Podjed, D. (2023). Making Sense of Sensors. In An Anthropology of Futures and Technologies (pp. 105-121). Routledge.

Henriette L, Møhl, P Møhl, DB Kristensen, MN Svendsen, K Høyer (2023) ”Medical Anthropology”. Tidsskriftet Antropologi 87: 31-41.




Velkova J (2024) Data Infrastructures and their Temporalities. In: Venturini T, Acker A, Plantin J, et al. (eds) Sage Handbook of Data and Society. SAGE Publications.

Harbsmeier, M., Henriques, P., Jensen, T. G., Kristensen, D. B., Møhl, P., & Sjørslev, I. (2024). Myter: En introduktion. Tidsskriftet Antropologi, (88).