Granted workshop funding in 2023

In 2023, ReNEW steering group has approved the payment of following workshop support:

Arne Bugge Amundsen (Professor, University of Oslo) for the workshop “The Early Modern Pastor in the North”, 26-27 September 2023, Uppsala.

Kristian Bjørkdahl (Associate Professor, University of Oslo) for the workshop “Pragmatism, the Democratic Deficit, and the Nordics”, October 2023, Oslo.

Inga Bostad (Professor, University of Oslo) for the workshop “Writing workshop for young scholars in the NordEd project”, September 2023, Oslo.

Ruth Hemstad (Associate Professor II, University of Oslo) for the workshop “Emigration and Democratisation in the Long Nineteenth Century”, Oslo, 26-27 October 2023.

Lars Bo Kaspersen (Professor, Copenhagen Business School) for the workshop “Civil Society in the Nordic Countries – old and new ways of theorizing civil society?”, Copenhagen, August 2023.

Ana María Munar (Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School) for the workshop “Writing Tourism With”, Silkeborg, 30 November-2 December, 2023.

Klaus Nathaus (Professor, University of Oslo) for the workshop “Bureaucratic Voluntarism: The Organisation of Associational Life in Norden and Beyond, 1796–2023”, Oslo, October 2023.

Irina Seits (Project researcher, Södertörn University) for the workshop “Ukraine: A Musical DNA. From the North to the East and back: musical song traditions of Scandinavia in Ukrainian Folk and Contemporary Music and shared heritage of the Baltic Region", September 2023, Södertörn campus.