Granted open access support 2023

In 2023, the ReNEW steering group has approved the payment of following open access support:

Søren Christensen (PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School) for the book "Associative perspectives on Governance: Getting to 'Norden'" (eds by Anker Brink-Lund, Haldor Byrkjeflot and Søren Christensen), to be published in Nordic Studies in a Global Context (Routledge) in 2023/2024.

Sunniva Engh (Associate Professor, University of Oslo) for the book Scandinavia and South Asian population Control, 1950-1995, to be published in the series Cambridge Imperial and PostColonial studies (Palgrave Macmillan/Springer).

Niels Fuglsang (Copenhagen Business School) for the article “The ‘strange non-death’ of economic models: how modelling contributed to neoliberal resilience in Denmark”, New Political Economy, 2023.

Ruth Hemstad (Affiliated Researcher, University of Oslo) for the book “Cooperation and confrontation: Nordic Experiences of Civil Society since 1800” (ed. by Sunniva Engh, Ruth Hemstad and Mads Mordhorst) to be published in Nordic Studies in a Global Context (Routledge) in September 2024.

Eirinn Larsen (Professor, University of Oslo) for the book titled "Suffrage, Capital and Welfare in Historical Perspective: Conditional Citizenship" to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2024.

Unn Pedersen (Associate Professor, University of Oslo) for the book Gendering the Nordic Past: Dialogues between perspectives (ed. by Unn Pedersen, Marianne Moen and Lisbeth Skogstrand), to be published in Women of the Past: Testimonies from Archaeology and History (Brepols) in 2024.

Ulrike Spring (Professor, University of Oslo) for the special issue "Collecting the North", to be published in Nordic Museology in 2024.

Stefanie Steinbeck (PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School) for the article "Exploring affective atmospheres in young children's museum experiences: An ethnographic study of the Workers Museum in Copenhagen," to be published in a special issue on Emotions and Leisure: New Insights and Understandings, Leisure Studies.