Stina Bengtsson (Professor, Södertörn University) for a four months and a half research stay at the Swedish school of Social Science, University of Helsinki in 2021.Research project: What is news? News perceptions and practices among young adults in times of transition.
Yulia Gradskova (Associate professor, lecturer, Södertörn University) for a week and a half research stay at the Aarhus University in 2021. Research project: Nordic women and the Women’s International Democratic Federation, 1945-1985.
Martin Johansson (PhD candidate, Södertörn University) for a research stay at the University of Helsinki in 2020. Research project: Stories of Siblinghood: representations of Nordic neighbours at the 20th century Winter Olympics.
Ida Lunde Jørgensen (Postdoctoral research fellow, Copenhagen Business School BS) for a three months and a half research stay at the Harvard University, SCANCOR Weatherhead Partnership, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs in 2021. Research project: How are symbols and myths of race and national identity from the Nordic context being shaped and reshaped through American mass culture.
Lysiane Lasausse (PhD student, University of Helsinki) for a four months research stay at the University of Reykjavik, EDDA Research Centre in 2021. Research project: Game noir: re-imagining the negatives of the Nordic image.
Mads Mordhorst (Director of Center for Business History, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School) for a four months research stay at the Harvard University, SCANCOR Weatherhead Partnership in 2021. Research project: The construction of 'Norden' in US, its circulation and performative consequences.
Johanna Rainio-Niemi (Associate professor, University of Helsinki) for a five months research stay at the Södertörn University, the Institute of Contemporary History in 2021. Research project: Welfare State Know-How. Inclusive Institutions, Knowledge and State Capabilities in Finland and Sweden, 1975-1995.
Marina Zagora (Phd student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History, Russia) for a three months research stay at the University of Helsinki in 2021. Research project: Nordic and alien, or Russian and peculiar? The Grand Duchy of Finland and its image in the Russian Empire (1866-1881).
Frederik Forrai Ørskov (PhD student, University of Helsinki) for a two months research stay at the Saint-Petersburg State University, The School of International Relations in 2021. Research project: Conceptualizations of Norden and Nordic Intellectual Collaborators in National Socialist Cultural Internationalism.