
Becoming an Aided Communicator, BAC

The group forming the large project Becoming an Aided Communicator, BAC, includes internationally well known researchers in the field of AAC from 16 countries. Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of augmentative and alternative communication, the group includes researchers in speech and language therapy, special education, occupational therapy, engineering and psychology, from major universities in their countries, the leader of the group being Stephen von Tetzchner, professor emeritus in psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway.

The group members are internationally well known researchers and have published widely on development and intervention of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and other topics related to typical and atypical development, communication, language, disability and rehabilitation. They also have many years of practical experience with AAC, supporting the use of AAC in children and adults with diverse disorders. Results from the international project was recently presented in a Special Issue of the journal Augmentative and Alternative Communication (2018, No. 1).

Kehitysvammaliitto / The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD)

FAIDD serves as a strong agent and pioneer of change in work towards a Finland where everyone is equal. They sum up their goals: Out of the margins! FAIDD carries out research, offers training, engages in development, communicates, exercises influence and produces materials with the aim of bringing people with disabilities out of the margins so that they can fully participate in the functioning of society and their own communities.

For the Pragmatic Issues in Alternative Communication research group, the main collaboration units in FAIDD are Tikoteekki and Papunet.

There is collaboration also with the Teaching Material Center Opike and the Research unit of FAIDD.
