Thrombosis prophylaxis and coagulation activation during neoadjuvant treatment in pancreatic cancer - Association to prognosis and recurrence. Randomized study.
Nationwide study of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
ASPEN, A Prospective Evaluation of the Management of Sporadic Asymptomatic Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms ≤ 2 cm
Pancreatic, gastric and duodenal cancers – biology, metastasis and developing the treatment
Pancreatic cancer research – towards a chronic disease - Juselius
Diagnosing and preventing complications associated with pancreatic cancer treatment
Changes in access to health care, treatment, risk factors and prognosis in pancreatic and gastric cancer in Finland in the 2000s - registry study
Improved diagnosis of pancreatic cancer using an electronic nose (eNOSE) and the determination of polyamine profiles
Anatomical pancreatic variants among IPMN patients
Follow-up of pancreatic intraductal mucinous neoplasia in HUCH patients
Surgical fitness - relation to short- and long-term outcomes in pancreatic surgery
Haimasyöpä - biologia, diagnostiikka ja hoidon kehittäminen
Prognostic importance of periodontitis in surgical complications after pancreas and gastric surgery
Early detection of pancreatic cancer – elevated blood sugar as diagnostic marker
Tavoiteohjatun nesteytyksen hyödyt pankreatikoduodenektomiapotilaille
Significance of next generation sequencing in the diagnosis and follow-up of pancreatic cysts
Postoperative changes at the computer tomographic-imaging after the pancreatic surgery
Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting procedury among patients suffering from pancreatic tumor
Treatment and outcome of patients with non-metastasized pancreatic cancer in Northern Europe (NORTHPANC): international cancer registry data.