
Ongoing research project

Thrombosis prophylaxis and coagulation activation during neoadjuvant treatment in pancreatic cancer - Association to prognosis and recurrence. Randomized study.


Nationwide study of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors


ASPEN, A Prospective Evaluation of the Management of Sporadic Asymptomatic Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms ≤ 2 cm


Pancreatic, gastric and duodenal cancers – biology, metastasis and developing the treatment

Pancreatic cancer research - Juselius

Pancreatic cancer research – towards a chronic disease - Juselius

Prevention of complications

Diagnosing and preventing complications associated with pancreatic cancer treatment

Pancreatic- and abdominal cancer register study

Changes in access to health care, treatment, risk factors and prognosis in pancreatic and gastric cancer in Finland in the 2000s - registry study


Improved diagnosis of pancreatic cancer using an electronic nose (eNOSE) and the determination of polyamine profiles

IPMN (haimatiehyeet)

Anatomical pancreatic variants among IPMN patients

IPMN follow-up

Follow-up of pancreatic intraductal mucinous neoplasia in HUCH patients


Surgical fitness - relation to short- and long-term outcomes in pancreatic surgery

Haimasyövän diagnostiikka

Haimasyöpä - biologia, diagnostiikka ja hoidon kehittäminen

Surgical complications

Prognostic importance of periodontitis in surgical complications after pancreas and gastric surgery

Diagnostic markers

Early detection of pancreatic cancer – elevated blood sugar as diagnostic marker

Nesteytyksen hyödyt

Tavoiteohjatun nesteytyksen hyödyt pankreatikoduodenektomiapotilaille


Significance of next generation sequencing in the diagnosis and follow-up of pancreatic cysts

Postoperative changes at imaging

Postoperative changes at the computer tomographic-imaging after the pancreatic surgery

MDT meeting

Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting procedury among patients suffering from pancreatic tumor


Treatment and outcome of patients with non-metastasized pancreatic cancer in Northern Europe (NORTHPANC): international cancer registry data.