The visualisations of our work at Think Corner

The visualisations displayed at Think Corner (Tiedekulma, Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsink)i offer a unique glimpse into the functions of the brain and the research of the BRAIN✓REPAIR (AIVOKORJAAMO) group. Go to check the the exhibition at Think Corner until 3 May 2024.
Brain Repair

Brain diseases affect us all. Disorders of brain function have a major impact on physical and mental well-being and functional capacity. 


The display present out research group’s investigations on  new mechanisms in neurodegeneration and brain repair. Out group aims to find new biomarkers and drug targets to develop disease-modifying therapies for stroke and Parkinson’s disease. We are particularly interested in protein aggregation, Lewy body progression, and neuroinflammation. They are all key factors in Parkinson’s disease.   

Via our fundamental research we also aim to generate research-based innovations. In recent years, we have developed a unique high-content image analysis platform that allows the exploration of new mechanisms of alpha-synuclein toxicity and progression in dopamine neurons. Additionally, we have created an innovative human stem cell-derived model for Parkinson’s disease.  

The visualisations displayed at Think Corner offer a unique glimpse into the functions of the brain and the research of the BRAINREPAIR group until 3 May 2024. You can go and see the exhibition during Think Corner's opening hours.