Still, despite technological development ways of working and communication, traditions and working cultures haven't changed that much. They just have transferred into virtual contexts which implicates that practices are quite conservative and constant (De Paoli, 2015).
Communication and mutual understanding is the key for successful collaboration and innovations (Lonka, 2015; Ståhle, 2009). Face-to-face and remote rendezvous have important role for cooperating, learning and creating new knowledge. We see that in near future people are able to release their truly potential, concentrate more for the interaction, finding common solutions and unlock the full potential of creativity supported by novel technologies. That's why, in Engaging Working Culture project, we are researching and also developing novel technologies supporting the knowledge creation process and mutual understanding, based on trialogical approaches (Hakkarainen, 2009; Paavola & Hakkarainen,2008). Trialogical frame is collaborative development of mediating objects or artifacts; not only monologues within mind or dialogues between minds, but also creation of new knowledge and mutual understanding with technology mediated artifacts and practices (Hakkarainen, 2009; Paavola & Hakkarainen, 2008).
De Paoli, D. 2015. Virtual organizations: a call for new leadership. Teoksessa Ropo, A., Salovaara, P., Sauer, E., De Paoli, D. (toim.), Leadership in Spaces and Places. Edwards Elgar Publishing. Chellenham, UK.
Frost & Sullivan, 2014. The Office of the Future. Analysis of Collaboration Tools and Futuristic Technologies Shaping the Connected Workplace. MA6C-64, October 2014.
Hakkarainen, K. 2009. A Knowledge-practice perspective on technology-mediated learning. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 4 (2), 2013-231.
Lonka, K. 2015. Oivaltava oppiminen. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava. Helsinki.
Paavola, S. & Hakkarainen, K. 2008. Välittyneisyys ja trialogisuus innovatiivistentietoyhteisöjen perustana. Teoksessa Virkkunen, J. & Engeström, R. (toim.) Kulttuurinenvälittyneisyys toiminnassa ja oppimisessa (47-80). Toiminnan teorian ja kehittäväntyöntutkimuksen yksikkö: Tutkimusraportteja 11. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino
Ståhle, P. 2004. Itseuudistumisen dynamiikka – systeemiajattelu kehitysprosessien ymmärtämisen perustana. Teoksessa M. Sotarauta & K-J. Kosonen (toim.). Näkymätön näkyväksi: Avauksia kehitysprosessien näkymättömän dynamiikan tutkimukseen. Tampere University Press: Tampere