
We are continuously looking for exceptional candidates for both postdoctoral research positions and doctoral students.

Contact the group leader by email. Students of University of Helsinki can also contact for research internships and topics for MSc theses.

Specific calls

Research internship in Probabilistic artificial intelligence and machine learning

Apply by Feb 5th 2019, following the instructions in the Department of Computer Science Internship call

We are looking for BSc and MSc students in computer science, statistics or data science to join the group for summer 2019. We are specifically interested in candidates who have strong interest in pursuing doctoral studies in future, and can offer a wide range of interesting research topics in probabilistic artificial intelligence, Bayesian machine learning and deep learning. Some examples include augmented tools for AI development, prior elicitation from human-computer interaction, scalable Bayesian inference, and several AI applications ranging from hyperspectral imaging to ultrasound physics.