
Get to know people of the research group Molecular Principles of Viruses.
Hanna Oksanen

Group leader, PI, Adjunct professor in molecular virology  

Elina Laanto

Assistant Professor, visiting University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Heli Marttila

Doctoral researcher

Research portal

Meeri Niemi

Doctoral researcher

Zaloa Aguirre Sourrouille

Visiting PhD stu­dent, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Tiia Tuomisto

Bachelor stu­dent, University of Helsinki

Silja Kiljunen

Bachelor stu­dent, University of Helsinki

Biomolecular Complex Purification (Biocomplex) service

Biocomplex Team


Veera Salminen, master student, University of Helsinki, 2024
Master thesis: Cellulophaga baltica -bakteereja infektoivat sisäkalvolliset ssDNA-virukset phi18:4 ja phi48:2
Katariina Kaansalo, master student, University of Helsinki, 2024
Master thesis: Characterization of ETEC-specific Jumbo Phage fPf-Eco01
Erika Nordman, bachelor student, HiLIFE intern, University of Helsinki, 2023
Sebastian Kokko, master student, University of Helsinki, 2023
Master thesis: Characterization of megaphage FKy-1: morphology, infection cycle and stability
Juliana Kauraala, master & bachelor student, University of Helsinki, 2022-2023
Rabia Sansevdi, visiting PhD student, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2023
Catarina Paiva, visiting PhD student, Instruct-ERIC internship, ITQB-NOVA, Portugal, 2022
Miguel Cantero Riviejo, visiting PhD student, Instruct-ERIC Internship, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 2022
Irini Assimakopoulou, master student, 2022
Master thesis: Cellulophaga phage phi48:2 provides further evidence on icosahedral membrane-containing single-stranded DNA bacteriophages
Zaloa Aquirre Sourrouille, visiting PhD student, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2022
Diego Gonzales Martin-Calero, Erasmus student, 2020-2021
Bachelor thesis: Characterization of Pseudomonas spp. freshwater bacteriophages, 2021
Heli Marttila, master student, 2020
Anne-Mari Luhtanen, visiting Post doctoral researcher, 2018-2020
Tatiana Demina, Post doctoral researcher & PhD student 2014-2020
Doctoral thesis: Molecular characterization of new archaeal viruses from high salinity environments, 2016
Sabine Schwarzer, visiting PhD student, 2019
Roselia Hendrikson, master student, 2019
Carlos Lapedriza, Erasmus student, 2019
Zhengqun Li, visiting PhD student, 2018
Xueting Wang, Erasmus student, 2018
Elina Laanto, visiting Post doctoral researcher, 2017-2018
Matti Ylänne, master student, 2017
Marija Stanic, trainee, 2017
Michaela Dermendjieva, Erasmus student, 2016
Sari Mäntynen, master student & PhD student 2007-2016
Doctoral thesis: Something old, something new - Exploring membrane­-containing bacteriophages, 2016
Master thesis: Fluoresoivien proteiinien vektorikirjasto Escherichia coli –bakteerille: fuusioproteiinitekniikka PRD1-virion tutkimiseen, 2008
Julija Svirskaite, Erasmus student & PhD student, 2013-2016
Doctoral thesis: Life in extreme environments: Physiological changes in host cells during the infection of halophilic archaeal viruses, 2016
Sudar Krishnam Rajan Shanthi, master student, 2015-2016
Master thesis: Characterization of a new haloarchaeal virus infecting Halorubrum sp., 2016
Camilla Heiniö, master student, 2012-2016
Master thesis: Purification and characterization of a new halophilic virus, HV1, 2016
Irma Orentaite, visiting PhD student, 2014-2015
Isaac Santos-Perez, visiting PhD student, 2014-2015
Jenni Karttunen, PhD student, 2007-2014
Doctoral thesis: Interactions of virus proteins within the host cell, 2014
Salla Jaakkola, master student & PhD student, 2009-2014
Doctoral thesis: Evolution in salt: genomic and structural approaches to halophilic archaea and their viruses, 2014
Master thesis: Uuden halofiilisen arkkiviruksen (HHIV-2) elinkierto ja virionin rakennekomponentit, 2011
Bina Prajapati, master student, 2012-2014
Master thesis: Characterization of new viruses infecting halophilic archaeal isolates from Lake Retba, Senegal, 2014
Soile Storman, master student, 2013-2014
Master thesis: Virusten puhdistus asymmetrisellä virtauskenttäfraktioinnilla, 2014
Emmanuelle Quemin, visiting PhD student, 2014
Mirka Mäkelä (Lampi), master student, 2014
Nina Atanasova, PhD student, 2010-2013
Doctoral thesis: Prokaryotic microorganisms, viruses, and antimicrobial agents from hypersaline environments, 2013
Ying Liu, visiting PhD student, 2013
Agne Bitinaite, Erasmus student, 2012
Jaana Paakkanen, master student, 2012
Tanja Westerholm, polytecnic student, 2011
Bachelor thesis: Uusien halofiilisten viruksien puhdistus ja analysointi, 2011
Sami Karja, polytecnic student, 2010
Bachelor thesis: PRD1-viruksen puhdistus monoliitti-tyylisellä anioninvaihtopylväällä, 2010
Suvi Hietavuori (Tarkiainen), master student, 2009
Master thesis: Haloarkkivirus HRPV-2, 2012
Kati Mökkönen, master student, 2008
Petri Papponen, polytecnic student, 2004
Bachelor thesis: PM2-bakteriofaagin kasvatus synteettisellä kasvatusalustalla viruskiteytystä varten, 2004