
The research project "Transnationalism as a Social Resource among Diaspora Communities" is led by Professor Östen Wahlbeck and it has three employed researchers and one doctoral student. The HORIZON2020-project CEASEVAL employs two researchers.
Östen Wahlbeck

Östen Wahlbeck holds a PhD in Ethnic Relations from the University of Warwick, UK (1997) and the Title of Docent in Sociology from the University of Tampere (2006) . He has worked as Professor of Sociology at the Åbo Akademi University, Professor of Human Rights and Multiculturalism at the University of South-Eastern Norway, and Senior Lecturer in Ethnic Relations and Professor of Sociology at the University of Helsinki. He has published widely in the field of international migration and ethnic relations, including several international monographs, several edited books, and more than 30 international refereed academic articles articles in journals like Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Refugee Studies, Ethnicities and Mobilities. In addition, he is the author of numerous book chapters published in various languages. His research interests include transnational migration, migrant businesses, refugee studies, and integration policies. He has been the project leader of several large research projects in these areas funded by the Academy of Finland and the European Commission.

His academic activities are presented in the TUHAT research database

Citations in Google Scholar

Some publications in

Zana Balikci

Zana Balikci is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Helsinki. He holds a master’s degree in International Migration and Ethnic Relations from Malmö University, Sweden. His PhD dissertation project focuses on transnationalism, intersectionality and racialization among the Kurdish diaspora in Finland and the UK.

His academic activities are presented in the TUHAT research database.

Peter Holley

Peter Holley is a doctoral student in Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. His research focuses upon the construction of personhood amongst migrants to and from Finland. Holley has participated in several national and international research projects focusing on, for example, temporary labour migrants’ experiences on social security and working conditions (funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund) and “EUROSPHERE Diversity and the European Public Sphere. Towards a Citizens’ Europe” (funded by the European Union’s 6th Framework Programme). He is a well-networked junior researcher with strong professional networks, for example, in Finland, Sweden, Italy, the UK and the USA. Furthermore, Holley continues to serve on the board of the European Sociological Association’s (ESA) Research Network 15, which focuses upon Global, Transnational and Cosmopolitan Sociology.

His academic activities are presented in the TUHAT research database

Saara Koikkalainen

Saara Koikkalainen is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Lapland, where she has worked as a University Researcher and external research funding specialist. Her research interests include mobility in Europe, highly-skilled migration, expatriate Finns, migrant labour market integration and migration decision-making. With colleague David Kyle (UC Davis) she has launched a concept called cognitive migration, which describes the process of imagining one’s mobility prior to making the actual physical move. She has been a Fulbright Visiting Graduate Student at University of California, Davis (2010) and a visitor at European University Institute (EUI), Florence (2012). She has published in e.g. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Finnish Studies, Urban Affairs Review, National Identities and Baltic Journal of European Studies.

Her academic activities are presented in the TUHAT research database


Niko Pyrhönen

Niko Pyrhönen is Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Helsinki, where he defended his doctoral thesis in 2015, entitled “The True Colors of Finnish Welfare Nationalism.” In 2017, he was invited to the University of San Francisco as visiting scholar. His fields of expertise cover immigration, welfare nationalism, hybrid media and public debate. Pyrhönen has participated in several national and international research projects, including “EUROSPHERE Diversity and the European Public Sphere”, Academy of Finland project “Challenging Power”, University of Jyväskylä project “Mobilizing the ‘Disenfranchised’ in Finland, France, and the United States”, and conducted an overview of Nordic Migration Research in a joint project by NordForsk and the Finnish Institute of Migration. He has published several articles on political rhetoric, national identity, populism, and the Nordic welfare state.

His academic activities are presented in the Tuhat research database

Sanna Saksela-Bergholm

Sanna Saksela-Bergholm received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Helsinki in 2010. Her doctoral dissertation dealt with the role of immigrant associations in the integration of immigrants into the Finnish civil society. Her other studies and publications focus on temporary labour migrants’ working conditions and access to social security in Finland. She has participated in several national and international research projects such as Role of immigrant associations in the integration process (2003), Migrants, Minorities, Belonging and Citizenship (2004), POLITIS Active Civic Participation of Immigrants (2005). She finished her doctoral thesis within the Academy of Finland research programme Power in Finland (2007-2010). Saksela-Bergholm is a member of the IMISCOE TRANSMIG (Transnational Practices in Migration) network and a member of the ‘Global Social Protection – A project on Transnational Initiatives’ research network at Harvard University. She also collaborates with the Scalabrini Migration Centre in the Philippines.

Her academic activities are presented in the TUHAT research database

Mari Toivanen

Mari Toivanen is an Academy Research Fellow at the University of Helsinki. In 2015-2018, she was an Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Turku. She holds a Master’s degree in Humanities from Paris IV Sorbonne and a PhD degree in Sociology from the University of Turku (2014). Her PhD dissertation focused on the negotiations of belonging among youth with Kurdish background. Her postdoctoral research deals with the transnational political participation towards the Kurdish region in the Middle-East among young Kurds in Finland and France. She has published widely in international peer-review journals and been involved in several large-scale projects and networks, including the Multiculturalism as a New Pathway to Incorporation, Generations (Academy of Finland), the Network for Research on Multiculturalism and Societal Interaction (University of Turku) and Multiculturalism and Nordic Identity (Nordforsk). She completed a researcher exchange in Galatasaray University (Istanbul) in 2012, a research exchange to EHESS (The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris) in 2015-2017, and visited the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in 2019.

Her academic activities are presented in the TUHAT research database.

Ekaterina Vorobeva

Ekaterina Vorobeva is a PhD candidate and Research Fellow at the Innovative Training Network (ITN) MARKETS (EU-MSCA grant), Department of Politics and Economics, University of Bremen. The topic of her dissertation project is: Central Asian Migrant Entrepreneurs in Russia: Transnational Networks and Local Opportunity Structure.

Her academic activities are presented at the research pages of the University of Bremen.

Mats Wickström

Mats Wickström is Postdoctoral Researcher in Minority Studies at Åbo Akademi University. He received his PhD in General History from Åbo Akademi University in 2015. His dissertation investigated the emergence of the idea of multiculturalism in Swedish public discourse and politics. In his postdoctoral research Wickström has examined nationalism and identity politics among the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland, as well as political radicalism in Finland and the racialized naturalization policies of the Nordics in the post-war period. He is co-editor (together with Charlotta Wolff) of Mångkulturalitet, migration och minoriteter i Finland under tre sekel [Three centuries of multiculturality, migration and minorities in Finland] (2016), and has recently published several articles that deal with Finnish migration and mobility in the early 20th century.

His academic activities are presented in the Åbo Akademi University Research Portal.