Last year's Introduction to working life (TET, työelämään tutustumisjakso) was different. The Covid-19 pandemic had screwed it thoroughly up, but our lab did manage to host a few interns when the Covid-19 numbers were pretty low in the autumn. One group, consisting of Pessi Bask, Rasmus Pouta and Okko Siljander from the Käpylä Primary School did study the suitability of run-of-the-mill plastics used for 3D printing for the culture of mammalian cells. Under the supervison of Niklas Koppatz, they entered with this project the TuKoKe nation-wide science- and technology fair and not only won the third price, but also additionally the Aalto University's Design Factory Award and a stipend from the Finnish Invention Foundation (Keksintösäätiö) for the inventive nature of their work. Congratulations!