Virginia Burrus, The Bishop W. Earl Ledden Professor at Syracuse University will be visiting the University of Helsinki May 15–16, 2019. During her visit, the project 'Lived Scriptures in Late Antiquity' organizes a workshop "Late Ancient Feminist Exegesis? The Life of Saint Helia" on Wednesday, May 15, 2–4 pm at the Faculty Hall, Vuorikatu 3, 5th floor. Please preregister here for the event by Wednesday, May 8.
The Life of Saint Helia is a little-known late ancient Latin work that narrates 1) the dawning of a young girl's ascetic inclinations, 2) her resistance to her mother's insistence that she marry, and 3) her resulting trial before a judge in dialogue format, dominated by debates between Helia and her mother and Helia and the judge, regarding the relative merits of virginity and marriage. In this workshop, we will discuss the text, especially the ways in which biblical texts are used in its argumentation.
To prepare for the workshop, please read through (the English translation) of the Life of Helia (available in V. Burrus & M. Conti, eds. The Life of Saint Helia: Critical Edition, Translation, Introduction, and Commentary. Oxford University Press, 2013). All preregistered participants are provided with a copy of the text.