
The researchers of the KAJO research community work in the faculty's various training courses (e.g. early childhood education, classroom and subject teacher training, and Swedish-language teacher training). KAJO responds to the societal need to develop the leadership of education and teaching communities and its research.

Leaders of the research community:

Research and education matters

Docent, University lecturer Raisa Ahtiainen

Professor Arto Kallioniemi

Training and municipal cooperation

Docent Tapio Lahtero

The members of the KAJO research community collaborate with the University of Tampere, Aalto University, the Institute of Educational Management at the University of Jyväskylä, Åbo Akademi and the University of Lapland. In addition to domestic partners, researchers have several international partners (e.g. Tallinn University, University of Toronto, University of Southern California).

Get to know KAJO's researchers and trainers here.

Rai­sa Ah­tiai­nen

Dosent, University lecturer, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Supervisor for Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society, and Culture.

Research topics include educational change, educational reforms, special education, educational development and leadership.


Kirsi-Marja Heikkinen

Early childhood education teacher, M.Ed.

Project planner, Doctoral researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research topics are leadership and the construction of a leader's identity in the context of early childhood education.

Lau­ri Hei­ko­nen

Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research topics include teacher learning, teacher agency, early career teachers, teacher education and leadership.


Ris­to Ho­tu­lai­nen

Professor, Director for Centre for Educational Assessment CEA, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Supervisor for Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society, and Culture.




Anita Jantunen

Doctoral Researcher, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research topic is managing a diverse school community in the context of Finnish basic education.

Arto Kallioniemi

Professor, Hu­man­it­ies and So­cial Sci­ences Edu­ca­tion, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Supervisor in Doctoral Program for School, Education, Society and Culture

Research topics include didactics of religion and multicultural education.


Tii­na Kan­to­maa

Special Class Teacher, M.Ed.

Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research topic is supporting the professional development of teachers.

Pia Kola-Torvinen

Educational Advisor

Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

The topic of the research is the management of the reform process at different levels of the elementary school system: the effects of the changing operating environment on management and management skills.

Henni Kuitunen
Ta­pio Lah­te­ro

Administrative Principal, Viikki Teacher Training School, University of Helsinki

Supervisor for Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society, and Culture



Leena Lahtinen

Doctoral researcher, B.Ed., MMM, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research interests include the effects of leadership in the context of early childhood education, quantitative research methods.

Working title of the dissertation "Orientations of early childhood education management in supporting the well-being of staff and children" (Varhaiskasvatuksen johtamisen orientaatiot henkilöstön ja lasten hyvinvoinnin tukemisessa).


Tiina Lindfors

M.Ed., Class teacher, Doctoral researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

The topic of the research is the management of teachers' competence development in the context of curriculum reform at different levels of the education system.

Lauri Luumi
Jen­ny Niu

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research topics include school leadership and management

Tiina Poutanen

Special teacher, M.Ed., Doctoral researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki.

The topic of the research is the shared leadership of basic education and the practices of extensive pedagogical leadership from the perspective of the teacher's professional activity.

Aija Rinkinen

Specialist, PhD (Ed.), Education Consultant, World Bank

(Counselor of Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, leave of absence)

Research interests include quality and development of education, administration and management of teaching and educational activities, educational guidance system in general education and basic education.

Hanna Saarinen


MA, Doctoral researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research interests include welfare management in primary schools, primary education management and development of primary education management.

Mari Si­mo­la

Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration,

Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society, and Culture.


Kati Sormunen

University lecturer, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Research themes include inclusion and leadership, early childhood education and pre-primary education, basic education.