ONLINE: HelRAW: Sergio España Chamorro 12.4.2021

The Helsinki Research on the Ancient World (HelRAW) is a monthly research seminar. HelRAW is organized by the SpaceLaw project together with Marja Vierros from the Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (PapyGreek) project.

12.4.2021 at 17.15

Meeting ID: 669 8285 1659

Passcode: 184718

Sergio España Chamorro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Capua on Crete: The praefectura Campana in the former territory of Knossos.

A well-known inscription from Karnari (Archanes, Crete) is the best evidence of the so-called ‘Lands of Capua on Crete’. This peculiarity of an Italian colony possessing land on the island has distracted attention from the publication of an account of this boundary stone by Pierre Ducrey in 1969. However, a revision of its text has made it possible to resolve the historical question of the procurator in charge of the arbitration. The new attested charge of the magistrate also offers an opportunity to revisit the whole juridical process and compare it with the information provided by the Roman land surveyors. It is also possible to shed new light on the juridical category of the Lands of Capua on Crete (praefectura Campana) and the fiscal situation, administration and management of these Cretan lands that belonged to Capua. This boundary dispute must be understood in terms of a dispute between a public entity and a private owner. The Roman prefecture system was a useful way of maintaining the correct administration of communal land leased in exchange for rent (ager vectigalis).

Dr. Sergio España Chamorro is Juan de la Cierva Incorporación fellow at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and membre associé at Institut Ausonius (Bordeaux). He completed his PhD in 2017 at Madrid and then he was an IdEx postdoctoral fellow at Institut Ausonius (U. Bordeaux-Montaigne), at the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome (EEHAR-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council) and associate lecturer at Burgos. His research deals with Roman boundary stones and milestones in Spain, Italy and Africa.