ONLINE: HelRAW: Arja Karivieri 4.10.2021

The Helsinki Research on the Ancient World (HelRAW) is a monthly research seminar. HelRAW is organized by the SpaceLaw project together with the Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (PapyGreek) project.

4.10.2021 at 16.15 (UTC+3)…

Meeting ID: 636 4057 1500

Passcode: 478268

Arja Karivieri (Stockholm University): "Urbanised Christianity"  – Tracing the Early Christian community of Ostia Antica

This seminar will discuss the new approach suggested by Jörg Rüpke for the study of ancient religion, as presented in his most recent publication Urban Religion. A Historical Approach to Urban Growth and Religious Change (De Gruyter, 2020). The key concept in Rüpke's previous EU-project, the 'Lived Ancient Religion' approach (2012-2017), became a widely accepted tool for modern research of ancient religion. In his new book, Rüpke now emphasizes the central role of a city as the driving force of religious change. In the seminar, this new approach of urbanising and urbanised religion is discussed in the context of Ostia Antica. Can we apply this approach for the study of Early Christianity in Ostia Antica?

Arja Karivieri is the Viktor Rydberg Professor of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Stockholm University. She is the director of the Arethousa Archaeological Project, the field director of the study of the Casa di Cecilio Giocondo in Pompeii (Swedish Pompeii Project). She was also the director of the project "Segregated or Integrated? Living and Dying in the Harbour City of Ostia, 300 BCE–700 CE" (Academy of Finland - Tampere University, 2015-2019) and director of Institutum Romanum Finlandiae (August 2017 - July 2021).