HelRAW: Eeva-Maria Viitanen 3.2.2020

The Helsinki Research on the Ancient World (HelRAW) is a monthly research seminar. HelRAW is organized by the SpaceLaw project together with Marja Vierros from the Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (PapyGreek) project.



Lecture hall 5, Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, 00101 Helsinki)

Eeva-Maria Viitanen: People and Place in Pompeian Elections: The Significance of Location for Interpretation of Texts

The painted electoral notices in the streetscape of Pompeii are a unique collection of textual evidence from the Roman World. The most important part of them are the names of candidates and their supporters. These have been used to reconstruct the election process, the political life in the last decades of Pompeii as well as the address directory of the city. My work focuses on the find locations of the notices and new insights can be gleaned on candidates, campaigns, supporters, painters, and house owners.