Internship: Elena Sevostjanova (Stadin AO)
Internship: Bree Revill (University of Bath, UK)
Project work: Toni Penttinen, 2020.
Internship: Lauri Pettilä, 2020.
Internship: Susanna Heikkilä (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences), December 2020.
PhD thesis: Satu Lönnrot, Zirconium oxide based fibers for effective antimonate and pertechnetate removal, November 2020.
Master's Thesis: Toni Penttinen. Seostuksen vaikutus ZrO2-nanokuidun antimoniadsorptiokapasiteettiin (in Finnish), October 2020.
PhD thesis: Leena Malinen, Advanced oxidation techniques and inorganic sorbent materials in the removal of radioactive cobalt from aqueous nuclear waste, May 2020.
PhD thesis: Elmo Wiikinkoski, Ion Exchange in Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing – Zirconium Phosphate Materials for the Separation of Trivalent Actinides and Lanthanides, November 2019.
Master's Thesis: Jenna Järvenpää, Suitability of microcrystalline cellulose as an ion exchanger: A radiochemical approach to the determination of ion exchange properties of AaltoCellTM materials, 2019.
Master's Thesis: Leena Vasara, Ydinvoimaloiden käytöstäpoisto ja dekontaminaatio : CORD -liuosten käsittely epäorgaanisilla ioninvaihtimilla (in Finnish), 2019.
Master's Thesis: Miho Otaki, Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrous Zirconia as an Ion-exchanger for Removal of Radioactive Iodine, June 2019.
Research project: Felix Landwehr (Heidelberg University), September 2018.
PhD thesis: Wenzhong Zhang, Metal(IV) Phosphate Based Functional Materials for Selectively Harvesting Rare-Earth Elements from Bauxite Residue, November 2018.
PhD thesis: Junhua Xu, Recovery of rare-earth elements from NdFeB magnets by zirconium phosphate ion exchangers, August 2018.
BSc thesis: Jani Viitala, Radiokoboltin poisto zirkoniumdioksidilla (in Finnish, "Removal of radioactive cobalt by ZrO2"), 2018.
Research project: Jan Sebesta (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) Chemical Characteristic of Sn(Sb)O2 during Co, Tc, and Sr Uptake, 2018.
MSc thesis: Lucie Duplouy (Universite de Lille, France), Preliminary investigation of rare earth elements ion exchange on zeolites. May 2016.