
Interested in studies in Quantum Science and Technology? Students from many different Master's programs can freely combine from a wide list of courses to include in their studies. This page offers general instructions for students interested in Quantum Science and Technology.

You can freely combine from a set of courses from University of Helsinki and Aalto University. The signed agreement on Cooperation on quantum technology education in the Helsinki metropolitan area”, in place since September 1st 2021, allows undergraduate and graduate students of the participating Faculties and Schools to pick and choose from a large set of courses on quantum technology. 

For information on all applicable studies, please see: full list of University of Helsinki and Aalto University courses in quantum technologyFor a handy guide on how to enroll and get your credits transferred, see this guide.

The list given below only contains courses offered by University of Helsinki, grouped by degree programme responsible for organising the course. Courses from Aalto that you may be interested in are not listed (see the full list linked above).

Please contact Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi if you have questions, or any feedback on these instructions!

Tip: use the course code when searching for courses on the Courses or Sisu service.

Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences (PAP)