Doctoral Education

The Research Group for Religious and Worldview Education and Philosophy Education has produced several studies and doctoral theses related to teaching and education, teaching profession, ethical education and the diversity of worldviews.

The postgraduate group is led by Professor in the Didactics of Religion Arto Kallioniemi and Senior University Lecturer Saila Poulter. The group gathers every other Thursday afternoon for a postgraduate seminar in the docent library of the Athena building at Siltavuorenpenger.

More information about doctoral studies is available from

Professor Arto Kallioniemi,

Doctoral dissertations under preparation

At the moment, our doctoral researchers are engaged in many interesting subjects

Mariam Aljabaly: Promoting Teacher’s Maker Mindset

Silja Lamminmäki-Vartia: The Development of Teacher’s Pedagogical Thinking and Professionalism in Relation to Worldview Education in the Context of Early Childhood Education and Care

Tuija Kasa: Critical Analysis of the Realisation of Human Rights Education: Educational, Moral and Legal Perspectives.

Samaneh Khalili: Human Agency in Educational Action and Social Context: A Comparative Case Study of Finnish and Iranian Formal Religious Education

Selja Koponen: Entanglements of Agency – Towards Transformative School and Education

Eelis Mikkola: Attaining Transversal Competences Through Pedagogical Philosophy in a Finnish Upper Secondary School

Niina Putkonen: Navigating diversity in Islamic religious education. A study of home-school collaboration between teachers of Islamic religion and Muslim parents in Finnish public schools

Heidi Rautionmaa: Opettajien näkemys omasta osaamisestaan edistää katsomusdialogisuutta osittain yhdistetyssä katsomusopetuksessa. Haastattelututkimus.

Mihaela Viorica Rusitoru: Values, religious and moral education in Orthodox Christianity

Tuomas Salonen: The Ethical Subject in Finnish Worldview Education – Practices of Ethical Self-Formation in Primary School Ethics

Published doctoral dissertations

Read more about completed doctoral theses

Saija Benjamin (2017): "People who don't live what we live, don't understand: youths' experiences of hypermobility"

Essi Ikonen (2020): Life, death and love: phenomenological investigations into the messy nature of authenticity

Marjaana Kavonius (2021): Young People’s Perceptions of the Significance of Worldview Education in the Changing Finnish Society

Arniika Kuusisto (2011): Growing up in affiliation with a religious community: a case study of Seventh-day Adventist youth in Finland

Ilari Kärki (2015): Uusliberalismia vai ei?: suomalaista perusopetusta koskevien koulutuspoliittisten kasvatus- ja opetustavoitteiden arvot vuosina 1994–2012 Shalom Schwartzin arvoteorian valossa

Marja Laine (2019): Kohti kulttuurisesti kestävää kasvatusta: Kulttuurisesti kestävän kasvatuksen määrittyminen ja siihen liittyvät tulevaisuuden tarpeet

Tuuli Lipiäinen (2024): Finnish teachers and education concerning worldviews in schools

Juha Luodeslampi (2021): Haastetun oppiaineen puolustajat: uskonnonopettajana peruskoulun syntyvaiheessa

Mia Matilainen (2011): Ihmisoikeuskasvatus lukiossa: outoa ja itsestään selvää

Reko Niemelä (2015): Inclusionary practices in a Finnish pre-primary school context

Pia Niemi (nyk. Koirikivi) (2016): Creating a sense of membership in basic education: the contributions of schoolwide events

Salla Poropudas (2021): Kirkon työntekijän identiteettiä rakentamassa?: narratiivinen tutkimus diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijoiden hengellisistä elämäntarinoista ja ammatillisen identiteetin lähtökohdista

Päivi Poukka (2011): Moral education in the Japanese primary school curricular revision at the turn and the twenty-first century: aiming at a rich and beautiful kokoro

Päivi Siivonen (2010): From a "student" to a lifelong "consumer" of education? constructions of educability in adult students' narrative life histories

Marja Spoof (2007): ”Pintaa syvemmälle”: Eettinen pohdinta opettajan voimavarana luokanopettajan ja erityisopettajan silmin

Martin Ubani (2007): Young, gifted and spiritual: The case of Finnish sixth-grade pupils

Vesa Åhs (2020): Worldviews and Integrative Education: A Case Study of Partially Integrative Religious Education and Secular Ethics Education in a Finnish Lower Secondary School Context