Doctoral Education

Doctoral education in the context of research in geographical and environmental education is led by Professor Sirpa Tani. The seminar provides means and support in research related practices as well as addresses specific questions brought forward by the doctoral candidates. The seminar is open to everyone interested.

Doctoral students and their research themes:

Yujing He

Exploring the gap between academic geography and school geography

Liudmila Helanterä

Settling in the metropolitan area of Helsinki: tacit knowledge and activities in their relationship with their local environment

Paavo Ikonen

The development of climate change discourse in the Finnish upper secondary geography textbooks and curricula 1985–2023

Noora Jaakkola

Integration of sustainability into higher education curricula

Noora Kivikko

Design-based study in geography education in nonformal learning environments

Defended doctoral dissertations from the research group:

Virpi Valtonen (2022)

Walking with: theoretical and pedagogical contributions of multispecies education

Anna Lehtonen (2021)

Drama education as an interconnecting approach for climate change education

Elina Särkelä (2021)

Young people’s lifeworld and everyday geographies as a part of geography teaching: empathy-based stories and photography as methods to research young people’s reflections on the global generation and the state and future of the world

Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori (2018)

Environment crosses subject borders: value-ladenness and interdisciplinarity as challenges for environmental education at school

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki

Heli Ponto (2017)

Young people’s everyday lives in the city: living and experiencing daily places

Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki

Markus Hilander (2017)

The interpretation of photographs and geographical vigilance: a semiotic way of thinking as part of young people’s visual literacy skills

Noora Pyyry (2015)

Hanging out with young people, urban spaces and ideas: openings to dwelling, participation and thinking

Anna-Leena Riitaoja (2013)

Constructing otherness in school: a study of curriculum texts and everyday life of two primary schools in Helsinki

Lili-Ann Wolff (2011)

Nature and sustainability: an educational study with Rousseau and Foucault

Faculty of Education, Åbo Akademi, Vaasa

Maire Antikainen (2010)

On a journey to Finnishness, and care sector professionals? Encounters between women of Russian and Estonian background and Finnish society: constructing their sense of belonging as citizens

Margarita Gerouki (2010)

Exploring primary school sex education in Greece: policies and praxis

Sanna Koskinen (2010)

Children and young people as environmental citizens

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki