Wednesday 15 Jan 13:45‒15:15, Old Minerva 325: Why theory matters for research (in English)
Wednesday 12 Feb 13:45–15:15, Old Minerva 325: Interdisciplinarity in education and research / Tieteidenvälisyys ja rajanylitykset koulussa ja tutkimuksessa (suomeksi / in Finnish; linguistic support will be provided for those who want to practise their Finnish)
Wednesday 5 March 9:00–10:30, Docent Library (Athena, 3rd floor): Coping with pressures in academic work (multilingual / Finnish–Englihs)
Wednesday 9 April 9:00–10:30, Docent Library (Athena, 3rd floor): Purposes of our scientific work: quest for truth or changing the world (information about languages upcoming!)
Coffee and snacks will be served at the events. Please note that the schedule is subject to changes.