Early Career Researchers of the HuSoEd Research Community

The Early Career Researchers' (ECR) Group consists of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers belonging to the HuSoEd research community. The group gathers monthly to discuss a wide variety of themes related to academic work.

New members are welcome!
Gatherings in Spring 2025
  • Wednesday 15 Jan 13:45‒15:15, Old Minerva 325: Why theory matters for research (in English)

  • Wednesday 12 Feb 13:45–15:15, Old Minerva 325: Interdisciplinarity in education and research / Tieteidenvälisyys ja rajanylitykset koulussa ja tutkimuksessa (suomeksi / in Finnish; linguistic support will be provided for those who want to practise their Finnish)

  • Wednesday 5 March 9:00–10:30, Docent Library (Athena, 3rd floor): Coping with pressures in academic work (multilingual / Finnish–Englihs)

  • Wednesday 9 April 9:00–10:30, Docent Library (Athena, 3rd floor): Purposes of our scientific work: quest for truth or changing the world (information about languages upcoming!)


Coffee and snacks will be served at the events. Please note that the schedule is subject to changes.
