
Latest news.
  • 28.06.2024 - Vicky presented the poster "Effect of polybrene on different glioblastoma subtypes" at the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna
  • 26.06.2024 - Matilde presented the poster "Hippocampus basal radial glia morphotypes across different species" at the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna
  • 26.06.2024 - Takashi gave a talk at the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna! Title of the talk: Evolutionary changes in metabolism drive neural progenitor expansion in the human neocortex
  • 24-29.06.2024 - Takashi, Vicky, and Matilde attended the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna, Europe´s largest neuroscience congress
  • 09.06.2024 - Vicky and Inés paper about mitochondrial dynamics has been published! Link to the paper.
  • 24.04.2024 - Our Nature Communications paper has been published! Link to the paper.
  • 11.04.2024 - Takashi, Matilde, and Vicky gave a talk at the Stem Cell Seminar series in Biomedicum
  • 02.04.2024 - Nature Communications has accepted our 11B and GLUD2 paper! 
  • 02.04.2024 - Our paper about the de novo start-loss variants in GLUL has been published in the AJHG! Link to the paper.
  • 1.03.2024 - Seiya joins the Namba group, welcome!
  • Seiya receives research funding from the Instrumentarium Foundation, congratulations!
  • 1.02.2024 - Zeynep joins the Namba group, welcome!
  • 07.12.2023 - Matilde receives research funding from Aivosäätiö, Finnish Brain Foundation
  • 01.09.2023 - Mengfan joins the group as Master Thesis student
  • 30.03.2023 - Opening of Maija Tammi´s exhibition Empathy Machine with Matilde´s brain organoids images. The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki. Check the picture! Link to the website.
  • 11.01.2023 - Inés joins the group as a Research Assistant, welcome
  • 01.12.2022 - Matilde´s whole brain organoid image is in the ImmunoDiagnostic Oy calendar 2023, visit the website.
  • 14.11.2022 - Matilde receives a 4-year salaried position from Doctoral Programme in Brain & Mind. For additional information visit the B&M website.
  • 01.07.2022 - Liliia joins the Namba group as a Postdoc, welcome!
  • 01.03.2022 - Maxim joins the Namba group as a Senior Postdoc, welcome!
  • 20.01.2022 - Vicky and Takashi review got published on Neuroscientist. Link to the paper.
  • 01.11.2021 - Matilde joins the Namba group, welcome!
  • 01.04.2021 - Vicky receives the Finnish Cultural Foundation grant
  • 1.01.2021 - Vicky joins the Namba group, welcome! 
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