
Useful resources for external audience.

Computational Testing for Automated Preprocessing (CTAP ) – CTAP is a set of tools running in Matlab and R that facilitate workflow creation, automated quality control and feature export for the EEGLAB EEG processing framework. Designed and developed by Cowley, Jari Torniainen and Jussi Korpela.


  1. Cowley, B., Korpela, J., & Torniainen, J. E. (2017). Computational Testing for Automated Preprocessing: a Matlab toolbox to enable large scale electroencephalography data processing. PeerJ Computer Science, 3:e108.
  2. Cowley, B. U., & Korpela, J. (2018). Computational Testing for Automated Preprocessing 2: practical demonstration of a system for scientific data-processing workflow management for high-volume EEG. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12(236).

CogCarSim – CogCarSim is a PyGame based steering task designed to induce Flow. Designed by Otto Lappi and developed by Juha Vepsalainen. We tested CogCarSim in our recent paper showing that Flow depends on expected performance.


  1. Cowley BU, Palomäki J, Tammi T, Frantsi R, Inkilä VP, Lehtonen N, Pölönen P, Vepsäläinen J, & Lappi O. (2019) Flow Experiences During Visuomotor Skill Acquisition Reflect Deviation From a Power-Law Learning Curve, but Not Overall Level of Skill. Front Psychol. 15;10:1126. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01126

The PSICAT protocol – The Primed Subjective-Illusory-Contour Attention Task for studying integrated functional cognitive basis of sustained attention was designed to probe the interacting aspects of attention that are typically deficient in adult ADHD. Designed and developed by Cowley. Our first PSICAT paper shows that healthy subjects are more affected by the task’s intra-modal distractors than by the task itself.


  1. Cowley BU. (2018) Studying the integrated functional cognitive basis of sustained attention with a Primed Subjective-Illusory-Contour Attention Task. Sci Rep. 10;8(1):13514. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31876-7

The WishGLD protocol – The Wisconsinish Global Local Dissociation task is a test of global-local attention processes in concert with complex cognition. Designed and developed by Cowley and Kristian Lukander.

Our first paper on WishGLD established a connection between global-local dissociation and aspects of complex cognition.


  1. Cowley B, Lukander K. (2016) Forest, Trees, Dynamics: Results from a Novel Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Variant Protocol for Studying Global-Local Attention and Complex Cognitive Processes. Front Psychol. 23;7:238. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00238