You can find more information on each team member here.
Bernelius V & Vilkama K (2019) Pupils on the move: School catchment area segregation and residential mobility of urban families. Urban Studies, 56(15), 3095–3116.
Bernelius V & Vaattovaara M (2016) Choice and segregation in the ‘most egalitarian’ schools: Cumulative decline in urban schools and neighbourhoods of Helsinki, Finland. Urban Studies, 53(15), 3155–3171.
Kauppinen T, van Ham M & Bernelius V (2021) Understanding the effects of school catchment areas and households with children in ethnic residential segregation. Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1857707
Kemppainen T, Kemppainen L, Kuusio H, Rask S & Saukkonen P (2020) Multifocal Integration and Marginalisation: A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Study on Three Immigrant Groups. Sociology.
Kemppainen T, Elovainio M, Kortteinen M & Vaattovaara M (2020) Involuntary staying and self-rated health: A multilevel study on housing, health and neighbourhood effects. Urban Studies, 57(5), 1049–1067.
Kosunen S, Bernelius V, Seppänen P & Porkka M (2016) School Choice to Lower Secondary Schools and Mechanisms of Segregation in Urban Finland. Urban Education.
Ramos Lobato I, Bernelius V & Kosunen S (2018) Looking for the ordinary? Parental choice and elite school avoidance in Finland and Germany. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 4(3), 156-167.
Ramos Lobato I & Groos T (2019) Choice as a duty? The abolition of primary school catchment areas in North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany and its impact on parent choice strategies. Urban Studies, 56(15), 3274–3291.