See README in the package for further information.
2012-November | A small bug fix: Callcounter not reinitialized between reads causing tail of the read set not mapped. |
2010-04-27 | First public release: Supports FASTA and FASTQ input and SAMToolsrlcsa), and parallel searching (OpenMP). Alignment with mismatches (a hybrid algorithm or rotation indexes), or with mismatches and indels (suffix filters). |
November 2012 | Small bug fix (callcounter not reinitialized between reads) |
April 2010 | First public release (--gap and --mate-pair not yet implemented). |
V. Mäkinen, N. Välimäki, A. Laaksonen and R. Katainen: Unified View of Backward Backtracking in Short Read Mapping. To appear in Ukkonen Festschrift 2010 (Eds. Tapio Elomaa, Pekka Orponen, Heikki Mannila), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 6060, pp. 182-195, 2010.